"Shall we have some tummy time?" I grin at her as I lay her on the play mat that's set out on the floor. She grins and kicks her feet excitedly. I sit beside her and watch as she feels and plays with each different material on the mat, grinning and babbling whilst she dribbles everywhere.

"Okay, Sam is here to pick me up.. your dad is with her, he said he's coming to keep you company because he'll only be alone today anyway" Dakota giggles as she comes through, dressed In light blue ripped baggy jeans and a white strapped top with a grey cardigan jacket.

"Okay baby" I grin, standing up and pulling her into my arms. "I love you so much" I kiss her repeatedly and she smiles shyly against my lips. "I love you too.. so much" she strokes her nose against mine, kissing me once more as the front door opens and my dad walks through.

"I better go.. I'll see you later" she kisses me again, giving my dad a hug and leaning down to smother Charlotte in kisses, causing her to giggle loudly, before she grabs her phone and bag, giving Us a wave as she leaves.

"She seems a little brighter today?" My dad smiles as we sit on the sofa. "She does.. we spoke last night and I think it helped" I nod a bit, smiling slightly. "Did you both sort things?" He asks.

"There wasn't anything to sort, she doesn't feel great.. she thinks she's a bad mom to Char, she doesn't think she's good enough." I sigh a bit and my dad pats my shoulder. "She's probably just a bit overwhelmed son, she'll get there" he says, standing to make us both a coffee.

"Yeah i know.. she's amazing though dad, I really wish she could see it like I see it.. like everybody can see it" I sigh, lifting Charlotte as she chews her hand. "She will, give it time. There's a lot going on for both of you right now." He says and I nod, having an idea.

"Will you watch Charlotte for a minute? I need to make a call" I hand her to him, kissing her head before going to the other room, listening to my dad fuss over Charlotte before I make my phone call.


"Baby, I'm home" I hear Dakota call as the front door shuts. She drops her bag to the floor then I hear her footsteps wandering into the kitchen. "Hey gorgeous" I grin, pulling her into my arms and kissing her deeply, smiling into it as she kisses me back, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hi" she grins shyly once we've pulled away "did you have fun today?" I ask and she nods, kissing me again before pulling away. "It was really nice.. your sisters and Sam love my dress" she giggles, taking my hand and squeezing it.

"Good baby I'm glad!" I grin, watching as she gets a bottle of water. "We did have a glass of champagne each.. sorry" she smiles shyly and I shake my head. "Don't be sorry, silly.. I don't mind" I kiss her head and pull her closer.

"Did you have a good afternoon?" She asks me, wrapping her arms around me. "We did.. and I have a surprise for you" I grin and on que, as we planned, Dulcie jumps out from the lounge.

"Surprise!" She squeals and Dakota gasps, opening her arms for her. "What're you doing here?!" She grins, swinging Dulcie around in her arms before pulling her closer as they share a hug; Dulcie's legs around Dakota's waist.

"Daddy got me" she grins cheekily from me to her. "I've missed you so much!" Dakota smothers her in kisses, causing them both to giggle. I love their bond more than anything. "I missed you" Dulcie giggles as she gets down, skipping off into the lounge to where Charlotte is in her bouncer seat.

"Thank you" Dakota whispers, pulling me close to her as we kiss softly. "I knew it would cheer you up.. now, I wanna take my three girls out for dinner" I grin, kissing her again as Charlotte begins to cry.

"It's a deal.. right after Charlotte has been fed" she pouts, taking my hand and leading me to the lounge. Charlotte's face lights up when she sees her mommy and my heart melts.

"Hello my little cheeky monkey!" She lifts her, blowing raspberries on her stomach as she giggles. I take a photo of them and grin, watching as I sit next to Dulcie.

"Want to help me feed Char?"she asks Dulcie and she grins widely, nodding as she jumps up to follow Dakota to the kitchen. I decide to stay in the lounge, tidying up the girls' toys and blankets.

Whilst I tidy I listen to them. They giggle every so often, Charlotte squeals which I'm guessing is from impatience, Dakota calmly explains how to feed Charlotte carefully and I decide to go to the door, watching as Dulcie helps Dakota feed Char.

Once they've done Dakota gets Charlotte cleaned up and then we leave for dinner at Pizza Hut. I manage to get us a table out the way with enough room for Charlotte's stroller to stay whilst she naps inside her carrier.

"Daddy please can we have dessert?" Dulcie grins and Dakota giggles. "Let's eat pizza first then we'll decide on dessert baby" I laugh and she sighs, looking back down to her colouring activity sheet they've given her.

I take Dakota's hand and rest them against my lap. "You feeling okay?" I say quietly, trying to search her eyes for any clues. They give nothing away though. "I'm fine.. really I am... we're all back together" she smiles shyly, kissing my cheek before giving my hand a squeeze.

"We are baby" I smile, watching as our food arrives. We eat, our hands still entwined together whilst Dulcie sits facing us, eating whilst she chats to herself and to us.

"How about when we get in, we bath you two smelly babies then we have cuddles in mine and daddy's bed?" I grin to Dulcie as we all finish up our meals.

"Okay but Dakota I'm not a smelly baby" she kneels and places her hands on her hips, causing us both to laugh. "Okay okay sorry" she giggles as Dulcie rolls her eyes, laughing cutely too.


We've been home from dinner for about an hour. We gave the girls a bath and Dulcie helped get Charlotte changed, now we're just getting her settled for the night. Dulcie comes through to our room with her clean pyjamas on.

She runs straight over to Dakota, who's got Charlotte laying in her arms as she softly rocks her to sleep, stroking her cheek gently. "I really missed my sister daddy" Dulcie looks to me, smiling shyly as I look to her, grinning.

"She missed her big sister too" Dakota pouts and I watch my three girls as they curl up on the bed. "I'm really sleepy" Dulcie whispers, resting her head near Dakota's, Closing her eyes. "Sleep then baby girl" she kisses her head softly and I take Charlotte from her.

"I'll put her to bed" I smile, kissing Dakota softly before standing and placing Charlotte in her bassinet. I kiss her head gently and then go back over to the bed. Dulcie is fast asleep, curled up into Dakota's side. She's almost fast asleep too.

I lift Dulcie and take her to her room, she mumbles something about 'mommy Dakota' but I don't get chance to catch whatever she said. I tuck her in and kiss her head softly "goodnight baby" I whisper, leaving her little night light on, closing her door over and heading back to mine and Dakota's room.

She's laying under the covers now facing my side, her eyes open but she looks so sleepy. I strip to my boxers and climb in next to her, wrapping my arm around her. "I love you so so much.." she whispers, taking me completely by surprise as she kisses me softly, lovingly.

"I love you baby" I stroke her side once we pull away, resting her head gently on my shoulder. "Thank you for getting Dulcie.. I've missed her." She whispers and I smile, kissing her hair. "I'm glad I did.. we've all missed her, and she missed us" I say back and I feel her nod against my shoulder.

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie Dornan) - You're The One...Where stories live. Discover now