

'Ah, okay, yeah I remember him. He's supposed to be my 'bodyguard' or something.' Y/n said to herself. 'even if he hasn't done anything.' She threw the note in the trash and opened up the fridge. 'I should call work and tell them I'll be late. I'm sure the boss wouldn't mind- oh grape juice!' she grabbed the half empty bottle of grape juice and placed it on the blueish counter. She reached for a glass and placed it next to the juice. After pouring her drink and placing the juice back in the fridge, she decided to watch a little of the news to see if anything important is happening. She grabbed the remote and pushed the on button. The television flickered to life and the news channel was already on. "The woman was found dead in an alleyway. A bullet wound in the chest, and one in the head. Police are still unsure as to who killed the older woman, seeing as few evidence was found around the area." The news woman took a breath, "Now to Tom for the weather. "The highest-" Y/n decided to drown out the news man and walked back into the kitchen to place her glass in the sink. "Guess I should call the boss, and get ready for work." She went back up the stairs and dialed her boss' number. It rang twice before a voice was heard on the other end. "This is Mr. Thomas speaking."

"Good morning sir, this is Y/n L/n. I'm going to be a few minutes late or possibly an hour late." Mr. Thomas was silent for a few moments before he spoke. "You're still going to come to work? I watched the news a few minutes ago. You don't even sound sad. Did you see the news?" Now Y/n was genuinely confused. "Yes, sir, I did. What in the world are you talking about?"

"You probably didn't see it then. Miss L/n," he pauses taking in a deep breath, "Your mother, she, uhhh, she's the woman who was on the news."

"W-what.. That's bogus! There is no way that was her!" She tried to deny it. 'Hell maybe it's a cruel joke for being late.' she coughed. "It's just a cruel joke right?" Y/n asked, her breath hitching. "No, Ma'am, It isn't. Maybe you should take a week off. I'll still pay you. Try to have a good day Miss L/n. I'm sorry for your loss." The line went silent, indicating he hung up. She fell on her bed. "I can't take this anymore! Why won't you just take me with them?!" She screamed. "Screw it! I'm going to make sure that was Mom. It could be a cruel ass joke from the world!" She got up right away and grabbed her things she would need to clean up.

She practically ran out the door and jumped into her car. Jamming the keys in the ignition. Her car started up and she quickly looked up the address on the news report on her phone. She memorized the address and threw the phone down in the passenger seat. It took her only seconds to hit the main road, she made sure not to speed, but kept her car going. Barely taking time to stop for the stop signs. "Where is the freaking road?!" She said, voice filled with anger and sadness. She pulled into a parking lot and looked on her phone once more. "Two fucking hours away?! What the hell were you thinking, Mom?" She asked herself. Y/n looked at the road she was on. "Damn I took a few wrong turns. I better get gas if it's gonna be three hours." She mumbled starting her car. Pulling over to the gas station, she stopped her car and went inside to pay for gas. She then came back out, pumped her gas, then quickly jumped back into her car.

The hours passed and before Y/n knew it, she had made it to the road she was looking for. She parked her car a block away and walked back over to the road. "This must be the bad side of town." She grumbled, looking around the place. It looked like a ghost town, except people were around. Smoke filled all around her as she walked down the street, a few druggies whistled at her, but she ignored and continued to walk with her head hung slightly low. She saw a few flashing lights in a particular house and decided to ask if someone there knew who M/n was. She walked up, "Hey," a voice called to her, "You got permission to be here, Little Lady?" A big buff guy asked her. She shook her head. "No sir. I do not." She sighed and turned around about to walk away. "Well, I'll let it slide one time. Go ahead. I don't want no trouble. Ya hear?" He said. Y/n nodded her head, "Thank you, very much." She said and headed in.

*Y/n's POV*

I walked into the old building, the smell of several drugs reached my nose and I covered it with my hand. "Oh boy. Is this really a good idea?" I say aloud. "What's a good idea, Sexy Thing?" I nearly let out a squeal, but refrained from doing so and I turned around. "Oh umm. I just wanted to know if you knew the woman, M/n L/n?" He raised an eyebrow. "Who's asking?" He demanded. "Oh! N-no body sir." I say shyly, "you see, she's my mother and I wanted to know if it's true that she's dead." He looked me up and down. "Ahh, so you must be Y/n. The girl she so desperately did anything for. Follow me." He started walking off and I debated whether or not to follow him, but curiosity got the best of me.

He led me through several hallways. We eventually make a stop and he knocks on the door. A loud moan is very prominent through the thin walls and my face turns red. "Just stand here, he's got one of his whores with him." The guy rolled his eyes and walked back the way we came. A minute or two passed by before the door to the room opened and a woman stepped out half naked. Her lower part was covered, but the top, not so much. "Hey sugar, you lost or is it your turn?" The woman asked me, her breath smelled of cigarettes. "Uh, no I'm not lost and I just needed to speak with the man who knows my mother." She nodded, "Word of advice, don't end up like me. 'Kay?" I nodded my head and she stood near the door, allowing me to enter the room. "My, aren't you sexy?" I hear as I enter the room. The man was lying on a bed, sheets all on the floor, and he didn't have any clothes on, so I covered my eyes. "I heard you knew M/n?" He let out a huff, "whose askin'?" He asked. "I am. She's my mother." I tell him, eyes still covered. "Ah, so you're Y/n? No wonder she wanted to keep you safe." He says, "I'd keep you safe too. Of course I would do it myself. Not become a whore." I uncovered my eyes to glare at him, "She was no whore. Is she dead or not?" He shook his head in disappointment, "She wouldn't fuck my friend in the alley. So I fucking shot her. Damn cops can't find a single thing." He laughed and stood up from the bed. I just stared at him in horror. 'He shot her?!'

"If you want, I'll gladly keep you safe. Only if I get to screw you everyday." He came closer to me and I moved back. "I'll pass. I just had to make sure it was true." My voice was weak and tears climbed to my eyes. "Don't cry, Sexy, it makes you look ugly. But even so, it turns me on." He purred. He nearly ran at me and I backed out into the hallway, "Stay away from me. I only came to ask a question and leave. I'll make sure you regret shooting her." I say, tears streaming down my face. I didn't stay any longer and dashed down the hallway back into the main room. I lost sight of him and let out a shaky breath. I wiped my eyes and looked around for the door that leads outside. 'where is the door?' I ask myself, pushing through crowds of people.

Laughter sounded through the room, cheering followed shortly after. I looked over and saw a few women, nearly naked, dancing for a group of men. I finally found the door and walked out of it. Fresh air hit my nose and I took in a long deep breath. I wanted to cry again, and just scream at the world to take me away. 'please, just bring her back! I can't do this without her!' I scream in my head. I looked up and people in the alley paid me no heed as I walked quickly. Thunder scared me out of my thinking and rain followed. It was heavy and lightning struck the Earth somewhere. 'Shoot!' I cursed, 'I'm going to be soaked before I even make it to my car.' I picked up my pace, nearly at a jog now. The people outside all started to go inside the rundown building for shelter, some didn't care and continued their business in the rain, others couldn't go anywhere and the druggies refused to help them. While I was paying attention to the people, I failed to realize a person was in front of me, and I hit them and stumbled backwards. "Ow," I start, rubbing my head, "I'm sorry, I should really watch where I'm going." The man says nothing and stays put. I looked at him, I could tell it was a male due to the build, but due to the hood he had on, I couldn't see his face. I could only see his long black hair in the rain. He let out a chuckle. "You sure do act the same. Y/n." A shiver went down my spine, "H-how do you know my name?" I ask the male. He only laughed at my confusion and his hand reached for his hoodie pocket, "You'll learn soon enough. I'm kind of hurt you forgot about me." Before I could react or move away, he hit me over the head with something. I hit the ground with a thud, water instantly seeped through my clothes from the puddles that were forming on the ground. Darkness faded my vision and I shut my eyes.


Hey! Quick reminder: did you eat today? Drink something? Did you look in the mirror and tell yourself you look awesome? If not, you better do it now before The Rake gets ya! Hope you've had a good day! --- Jenny

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon