She said stuff about us too, ya know?

Allison shook her head lightly, trying to block out the Ice Demon counterpart. As much as she agreed with her otherside, Allison thought it'd be best for her to focus on Peter instead of being selfish and shifting the conversation to be focused upon herself.

"I'm not sensitive about it. I just don't know who he is," Peter insisted as Allison glanced up.

"Yeah... " she practically whispered, eyes moving to Gamora as if pleading for the woman to help. She stayed silent. "I know I am, though..."

Peter's face dropped at Allison's words, remembering now what Ayesha had said about Allison's own heritage and counterpart. "Sorry... You okay?"

Allison sighed quietly, turning her head to break her eye contact with Peter. "I'm fine-"

No you're not!

Peter definitely didn't believe her, but pushing Allison to say more then she wanted could risk a code blue. That was the tilted the Guardians gave the moments where Frost gained control even if Allison didn't want her to. These moments typically happened when someone angered Allison, she was saddened by thinking of her old home or even the prison her, Rocket and Groot were held in long ago. It mainly centred around the girl being overwhelmed by and singular emotion, more often then not, one of negativity.

But Peter did feel the need to apologise for something else, something that had been tugging at the back of his mind since they departed. "Sorry if it seemed like I was flirting the High Priestess. I wasn't."

Gamora rolled her eyes as she finished locking the cuffs around Nebula's wrists. Allison gave Peter a small smile as she followed Gamora to the back of the ship, an area they'd keep Nebula in for the time being. "I don't care if you were, Peter."

Peter didn't believe her. "Well, I feel like you do care. That's why I'm apologising. So, sorry!"

Allison completely ignored him, only focusing on following Gamora at that time. Apparently, the ex assassin needed Allison to show Nebula the consequences if she tried to escape.

"Allison is not the one for you, Quill."

Peter physically jumped at Drax's voice, flinching back before glaring at his teammate. "Damn shadow," he muttered, moving back to lean against the wall, eyes attracted to where Allison had left.

"There are two types of beings in the universe... Those who dance, and those who do not," Drax motioned to Peter at the first half of his sentence before nodding the way Allison had gone, referencing her. "I first met my beloved at a war rally. Everyone in the village flailed about, dancing. Except one woman. My Ovette." Peter nodded along, listening to Drax's story in an attempt to be polite. "I knew immediately she was the one for me. The most melodic song in the world could be playing. She wouldn't even tap her foot. Wouldn't move a muscle, one might assume she was dead."

"That does sound pretty hot..." Peter admitted, looking back to the room Allison and Gamora disappeared from.

"It would make my nether regions engorge-"

"Okay, I get it, yes," Peter interrupted cringing as the details got increasingly inappropriate. "I'm a dancer, Alli is not."

"You just need to find a woman who is pathetic... Like you," Drax continued. Peter's eyebrows furrowed slightly, him murmuring a quiet mhm in response.


ALLISON WATCHED AS GAMORA LOCKED her sister's handcuffs securely to the ship. Nebula eyed her suspiciously before her dark eyes caught sight of a bowl of yaro roots beside them, the food catching her interest.

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