Alicia Van Spartana

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Age: 17

Likes: Reading, Enjoying time with the one she loves, Drawings, Learning to fight, Sparing, Archery, Making own weapons, Dancing

Hates: She only hates people who are rude to others


Magic ability: able to summon any spirt (light and of dark)

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Magic ability: able to summon any spirt (light and of dark)

Bio: was born into a poor elfen family which abused her and so she ran away and started to search for the one she will spend her whole life with. But one day she got into a fight and got hurt really really bad so she got knocked out. When she awoke she found someone sitting next to her reading a book almost seeming to wait for her wake up.

How Did I Create This Character: I used Rinmaru games to design what she looked like for you all to see

Why Did I Create Her: I created her because I wanted a character that had a sad back story

A/N: So I hope so far I am not boring you to death. If you want to know more about this character just feel free to ask and I will answer and out it in the book. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2020 ⏰

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