Loving you

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A/n hey guys these are my first few chapters and i really would appreciate a like or comment to motivate me. Plus if you guys want to ask for a request just message me.

It had been three days since the kiss and you hadn't seen him since. You let out a long sigh maybe he didn't feel the same. Your heart shattered but wasn't quite broken you looked over to peter who was sitting crossed legged in your room. You had been hanging out a lot lately and every time you saw him your heart would start beating faster and butterflies would flutter in your stomach.  Everything about peter attracted you to him his smile his personality his ability to make dorky science jokes but the thing that attracted you to him the most was his eyes. "Hey peter you've got pretty eyes" you called out snapping him out of his and your study session. He blushed looking away. He let out a nervous laugh waving you off "they're just a dull brown" But they weren't not to you. Have you ever seen brown eyes in The sun? You don't always notice it At first but you'll see that brown no longer describes them. They melt into golden rays , circling an eclipse. There's nothing boring about brown eyes, not even when the later hours encroach. They just turn into a sunset of their own. That's what his eyes looked like to you.

"I don't get this" You heard peter whined out hoping you would give him the answers. Peter had recently been struggling with his studies and Spider-Man duties. That's why you were having a study session but it wasn't the only reason. Part of him wanted to experience a normal life were the only worries on his mind were who to take to prom. Peter looked up at you he knew that his hero duties came first but maybe for one night he could take a break and live a normal life. "what don't you get" you said leaning closer to him. His face started heating up and a blush was making its way up his neck from how close you were. You were explaining it to him and when you finished you looked at him and smiled that sweet sinful smile. "So you get it" you said looking at him. honestly during the time with you so close to him all he could think about was you "yep" he said. Dammit he was totally in love with you.

You got up off your floor and grabbed his arm leading him to the living room. "Where are we going" he said looking at you "well I think we deserve a break, so let's watch a movie" you said pushing him onto the couch. Grabbing a blanket you put it over the two of you and snuggled into his arms. Peters eyes darted around the room trying not to focus on your warm embrace. You put on Netflix and chose a movie. Peter could hear your soft breathing he could feel your warmth and your arms wrapped around his stomach. He wanted to confess to you how much he loved you how much he wanted to wake up by your side or how he wanted to make you breakfast in the morning and how after every mission you could be his safe place. He shook his head he couldn't do that to you he couldn't put you in danger, if you found out he was Spider-Man... he paused he had kissed you as Spider-Man. He let out a loud groan it was a mistake his mind kept telling him but his heart was telling him otherwise. He remembered the soft feeling of your lips and the way you tasted of chocolate and strawberries. He licked his lips trying to taste it but it was gone he looked down at you and pressed a soft kiss against you forehead. Your eyes were shut and you had fallen asleep during the movie maybe like this he could pretend you were his.

Peter let out a sigh he wanted his feelings to go away but at the same time he wanted to fall in love with you. He let out a groan maybe if he told you what he felt it would be alright. He heard his phone beeping and saw a message from tony telling him to get to stark tower asap. He got up and picked you up from the couch walking towards the bedroom and tucking you into bed. He went to your bathroom and slipped his costume on he lifted the window and was about to climb out when he saw your face.  A sliver of moonlight spilled into the room, not enough to awake you, but enough to navigate between the rough wooden chairs to the exit beyond. Peter turned back to you pressing his lips to yours before escaping out the window into the night. You had felt his lips connect to yours but kept your eyes shut. You opened your eyes when you heard the window creak and saw him climbing out. You saw his red and blue suit gleaming in the moonlight and smiled peter was Spider-Man. He had kissed you. You looked down at your hands maybe he did like you.

The stars in the sky were nonexistent, as the moon was hidden behind the clouds. The city was dark and a storm was approaching. He had been watching the two of you all night his boss said he had to know the spidey's weakness. The agent had seen nothing yet just the two of you studying he was about to lose hope until he saw the boy slip on the red and blue suit kiss your head slip on his mask and climb out the window. Maybe this mission wasn't so pointless after all. He had a sick and twisted smile from ear to ear that showed off some of his black teeth. He dialled a number on his phone quickly Waiting for someone to pick up "what is it agent" a cold voice said from the other side of the line "I've got the spiders weakness, and it's a girl" the line was silent before an evil laugh was heard the type of laugh that makes your skin crawl and gives you nightmares. "Good job agent now bring her to me, make sure she's alive and screaming" the agent smiled "hail hydra" the voice repeated his words before hanging up. The agent grabbed a bat from the backseat of his car and headed towards your apartment making sure to bang the bat on the stairs. He was coming for you whether you liked it or not.

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