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I wake up in my room. I look at my arm. Nothing... there's nothing there. Not a scratch, no scar, no blood. I set my feet onto the cold tile of the floor. I go into my bathroom. I look into the mirror. I look normal but feel different. As I come out of the bathroom, my door slowly opens. Someone dressed like my care taker comes in. I start to back up as the walk towards me. They walk slowly, holding something. I can't quite tell what it is, all I know is I'm not gonna like it. I hit the wall behind me. I slip down the floor. The new care taker puts a blind fold on my eyes. " NO...NO, NO,NO" I start to cry knowing what's going to happen. I hear my door close. I sit in the middle of the room. My tears slowly hitting the tile. I few seconds later it happens. The music, it's so loud. I scream, terror over comes my body. It's the only emotion I can feel. The loud tunes of pure insanity. They reach into my skull and pull at my brain. Insanity reaching at me, clawing at my skin. I'm slowly dieing. This tune circling my head. It's hurts so much. My body won't let it go.

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