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As we reach the end of the garden there is a window. My care taker isn't watching me. I look out in the cruel world. All I see if the a white building but in front there is a fountain with a girl. She's dressed in a white dress like one I wear. As I start to look at her closer my care taker cover my eyes. "Who was that" I ask. He doesn't say anything but "you will learn soon." I wonder what he meant but it's best I don't question him. My care taker takes me to a new room I've never been. It's gray and smells of a sweet smell that stings my nose. I don't like this smell. It reminds me of bad memories. I'm still blind folded. I ask for it to be removed but my care taker says no. He says I'm starting to come to an age where I shall learn. I only turned fourteen a few days ago. What does he mean by learn? He tells me things will change and won't go back

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