🥰Chapter 24. The confession part 4🥰

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Your P.O.V

Well it's Friday.
Tomorrow shit will go down.
Jay opens my door and I'm standing in the middle of it dumbfounded. A single tear rolls down my face, but Jay doesn't see. I'm getting sorta emotional. But I wipe my tears away and Jay opens my door al, the way.
"Heyo (y/n). I have something special planned for you later."
He speaks so calmly. He shoots me an amazing smile. I smile back at him.
"Anything important I should know?"
"No. It's a SURPRISE!"
"Okay. Just wear protection. Please."
He yells.
"There are HOSUHS HERE!"
I yell as I boop his nose.
I shove him out of my room and I get dressed. After walking down the 57837364884827 stairs, I smell waffles. I see Hosuh come out with a tray and of corse I grab some.
"So. (Y/n). Don't you go back home on Sunday?"
Stephen asks looking over at me. Daniel comes into view.
"That's the plan."
I rub my eyes and look at them. They're all sitting around like they're expecting me to create this big speech or something. I roll my eyes at the boys that kinda turned into dogs.
"Do you want me to say something?"
"Please stay...."
Hosuhs says and pouts.
"Awe. Well. I will have to go back home for at least a month. But maybe I'll come back. If I feel sparks with anyone of you guys, then I'll probably stay here with you guys."
They all smile.
"Well if you don't choose one of us... you'll certainly choose Hosuh. So we will see you all the time!"
Daniel says kinda admitting defeat. He shrugs and I slap him over the top of his head.
"You don't know that! Shut up Daniel I may choose you!"
He smiles and it feels kinda like a housh smile. Just wholesome.
"So. (Y/n). My surprise for you starts right now. Come with."
Jay pulls me to my feet and drags me out of the house after I grab all my shit. We get in the car and he just drives off.
"Where are we going Jay?"
"My favourite place on the planet."

timeskip smaller then my will to live XD

We pull up to an abandoned mansion.
"Jay are you sure you're not gonna kill me here?"
"Calm down angel. I'm not gonna."
We climb out and Jay grabs something from the back seat. We walk inside. Well. Climb inside. We had to scale a fence to get inside, easy for Jay, not for me. After attempting, (and failing) to find my way ground the place, Jay just showed me the way. In front of me sits a giant backyard with what looks like a fountain and cherry blossom trees.
"Jay... where are we?"
"My old house. And I mean OLD. It was my great grandmothers. And the land was passed down. But no one ever used it. Then I came along and fixed a few things up. And I've been coming here to read almost everyday. But no one knows about it. Not even Daniel or Stephen. Or even Hosuh."
He pulls out a pice of yellowish paper and sits on the foundation edge. I sit beside him and he unfolds it and starts to read...

A black rose sat upon a boys desk. Many thorns were growing on the rose. And everyday there would be another back rose. By the end of the week the boys had 7 roses on his desk. All black. All full of thorns. One day. The first day in 3 years. The boy goes to his desk and sees a white rose. He pic,s up the rose and smiles. It's pestles are so perfect. Exactly 0 thorns on its stem. It was the perfect white rose. The most beautiful out of all the back ones he's ever gotten.

I sit confused on why Jay read me that.
"Jay what did you-"
"Out of all the guys on this earth please let me be your white rose. Please let me be the perfect one. Please let me be the best. Let me be the only one you really love."
I take his hand. And smile.
"Jay. This weeks has been absolutely crazy. I just learned that I have the hearts of 4 boys. Let me think about it. Tomorrow I'll have my one chosen. I'll have picked my white rose."
He stands up and helps me into a hug.
"If you're gonna regret me.... then keep my hoodie and I hope it makes you feel guilty."
I chuckle and pull away.
"Of corse you stupid ass salty boi."
He smiles at me.
"Hey! I showers today!"
"Yeah I'm not believing that bs."
He laughs and takes my hand and pulls me out of the beautiful place.

Timeskip and it's now 8:45

I get home and message my group chat.

(Y/n): hey guys. Just found out that the entire danplan crew loves me.
Rosemarie: JA(Y/N) IS BEST OKAY?!

As the girls argue. A new person is introduced.

???: Daniel and (y/n) are the best okay? It's just so perfect.
(Y/n): excuse me who the fuck are you.
???: I'm so sorry!! It's me! Ann! But I totally ship you and Daniel.
'(Y/n)' changed '???s' contact to 'Ann'
Ann: hey thanks! (Y/n)el will rise!
Tiffany: you dare challenge me Ann?!
Rosemarie: yeah Ann?
Bella: YeAh AnN!
(Y/n): I love how you guys just get so worked up about this XD. What if I choose no one?
Tiffany: then we will murder you and they'll never find the body.
(Y/n): wow tiff. Anyway I'm choosing tomorrow. They're giving me time to think on who I want to potentially marry.
Bella: Hosuh. You gotta marry that cinnamon bun.
Rosemarie: nope. It's Jay. It will forever be them.
Ann: what if I kill Hosuh and Stephen and Jay so she can only choose Daniel?
(Y/n): Ann please don't XD.
Tiffany: well I'm excited to see you sis! I gotta go to bed now because I'm tired. But S(y/n) 4 lyfe.
Tiffany has left the chat.
Bella: well I guess me and Rosemarie will go as well. Bye (y/n)!
Rosemarie: yeah! Bye (y/n)!!!
Bella has left the chat.
Rosemarie has left the chat.
Ann: well no point of me fucking up the gc. Bye (y/n)!
(Y/n): bye Ann! Bye guys!
Ann has left the chat.
(Y/n) has left the chat.

I walk downstairs and meet the boys.
"How about a movie?"
I say flopping in the middle of the couch. The boys scramble to get beside me and in the end, Daniel and Hosuh win ten spots beside me. Stephen sits next to Daniel, and Jay, next to Hosuh. I randomly pick a movie and I end up with (favourite comedy). I press play end let the movie engulf me for the next 38 minutes in awake. Who knew that one week of crazy drunk conversations, weird sex talk, and 4 confessions could tire you out so much? Not this girl. Not me at all.
And hey.
Tomorrow I make the big decision.
Or Hosuh.

Next chapter is the FINAL ONE.
guys I'm getting emotional. It's been 24 chapters. We literally watched the characters of Tiffany, Rosemarie and Bella form. We watched the story all unfold. And now. In the next chapter it will all be over.
It is official.
The next chapter is the final chapter of story in this book.
That's all.
Yeet yeet out fools.

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