Chapter Two: A Facility?

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh, what was that?!" Moira cried.

"That was close." Claire said. I took a shaky breath.

"I've never seen one like that. No virus has ever taken form like that before." I added. We finished pushing the shelf out of the way, and kept moving forward. We went into the next room, just in time to see the creature from before chasing one of the women from TerraSave!!

"Holy shit! It's gonna kill her!" Moira yelled. 

"C'mon! Hurry!!" Claire yelled. We all ran through various rooms, trying to catch up to the woman before the creature did. We came to a shutter door, so I quickly lifted it so Claire and Moira could get through. Then I followed. We didn't make it. The woman limped up to us, covered in her own blood. "Gina!!" Claire cried. That must be her name, Gina. She grabbed onto Claire as she fell.

"The animal eyes!" She said, before she fell to the ground, dead. The animal eyes? What did she mean by that? 

"Did you know her?" Moira asked Claire.

"Yeah. She's with TerraSave...Why would anyone do this?" Claire asked. I sighed.

"I ask myself that all the time when it comes to this stuff." I said. There wasn't anymore we could do for her. We had to keep moving. We found a locked door. 

"I can hear the wind out there. This must be the way out!" Moira said. 

"Now we just need to find a way to open it. I could probably break it down, but that might attract too much attention." I said. We kept moving, and soon found the keys...attached to a body, hanging from the ceiling by its feet!!

"What kind of wackjob would...This is not okay!" Moira said, horrified. I sighed.

"Most likely, someone who worked with, or idolized my Father. Even when he's dead, I can't escape his legacy." I said. I grabbed Claire's wrist and held her steady while she reached out to grab them. Just as she nearly had them, the cuffs holding the body suspended in the air unlocked and dropped it to the ground!! We looked over the edge of the walkway.

"Well that blows." Moira said. I frowned.

"There is no way that was a coincidence. Someone's watching us." I said. We the heard a door unlock. We went down to the door, then went through it. We came into what looked like an infirmary, but the place was filthy. There was blood everywhere! "Ugh. This is so disgusting!" I said. But, we finally made it to the ground floor.

"Ugh, this place reeks!" Moira said. I nodded. Claire searched the body.

"The key's gone." She said, but she did find a handgun.

"Do you, uh...are you gonna use that?" Moira asked. Hm, guns must make her nervous. Not a big deal, I'll make sure she doesn't have to use one. 

"It's more reliable than any person." Claire said. I nodded.

"That's true. A good gun will pull you through something like this." I said. 

"If you guys say so." Moira said. Claire stood.

"The key must have shook loose when the body fell. It could be anywhere." She said. 

"Then we should start looking!" I said, with a smirk. She returned the smirk and nodded. Then, she turned to Moira.

"It's too dark to see. Shine the light around." She said. Moira did, and Claire found the keys quickly. She shot the key down. I grabbed them.

"Awesome! We got it!" I said. Then, we heard a buzz. More of those things jumped out at us!

"Watch out!!" Moira called. Claire shot at them, while I did my best to get rid of them with my dagger. We were able to dodge most of them, and climbed back up the ladder. But, as we tried to get back to the locked door, more of those creatures kept coming after us! We finally made it back to the door. Once we got through, there was a body on the ground with a shotgun.

"This one's mine!" I said. I grabbed it, made sure it was loaded, then we carried on.

"You need a gun too, Moira." Claire said.

"No, I really really don't. Sorry, I don't do firearms." Not after what happened. She said. I raised an eyebrow. Was she in an accident of some sort? 

"Shoot, I'm sorry, I forgot. Maybe we can find you something else." Claire said. I looked at Moira.

"If you don't mind my asking, Moira, what happened? Were you in an accident of some sort?" I asked. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I'm just curious is all." I said. She sighed.

"I don't really like talking about it, told me about your past and your Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, so...When I was young, there was an accident with a loaded gun and my sister Polly...thankfully she was alright, but..." I placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, you don't have to finish, I get the gist. I'm really sorry that happened. That must have been traumatizing." I said. She nodded.

"Yeah. Barry totally freaked and, our relationship hasn't been the same since." She said. I nodded.

"Yeah, I get that. Don't worry, you don't have to use guns. Claire and I can take care of that." I said, and stuck my dagger back in my boot. She looked around, and found a crowbar.

"Nice. Blunt weapons. I can do blunt weapons." She said. Once we finished looking around, trying to find anymore supplies, we all took a deep breath, and prepared to face the rest of this horrible facility.

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