Start from the beginning

"It's you," He said instinctively. Somehow his feet moved without him thinking and he edged nearer, the sound of quiet humming and the trickle of the stream filling his ears pleasantly.

Fuji Miyamoto was laying on the grass, her head resting on her arms which were behind her back. Her legs, slightly cold from the wind, were folded over one another as she gazed at the nature around her. Her eyes caught a sparkle under the sunlight and Chuuya swore they shone as she looked at him. He could have sworn he saw something in her expression. But what it was escaped him.

"Truthfully, I thought you had a bald spot under that fedora," She drawled with a sigh. Her stomach was doing the 'weird thingy' as she had dubbed it, where it felt like there were dozens of butterflies inside it.

Any person, including Dazai, who sent a remark like that hurling at the executive would have found themselves being punched but Chuuya didn't even clench his fists at what Fuji said. Instead, he sauntered over to where she was sitting and hovered, stormy eyes staring at the girl who was beginning to grow more and more on him.

"I left it back at my dorm," He said. Per usual, his tone was seethed with both hot-headedness and an eerie quietness that nobody could quite place their finger on it. It was like his voice had softened yet retained it's cold edge.

Fuji patted the green grass besides her, golden eyes staring at Chuuya, "You can sit down if you want."

Chuuya folded his arms, "Why on earth do you think I'll do that?" Is she assuming I'll listen to her? Because fuck, no.

"It's your call," She murmured quietly. Her voice was as quiet as a mouse, no longer loud and cynical as it normally was. She had grown to hate herself over the past month thanks to everything that had happened. She couldn't speak anymore after her voice had grown hoarse from all the crying behind locked doors and the screaming inside the endurance chamber. There was nothing left for her to say really and so Fuji's lips trembled, showing vulnerability for the first time in front of someone for a long, long time.

Chuuya's dark scowl quickly fell upon seeing Fuji's expression and somehow he ignored his mind which was screaming at him and followed his heart which had the quietest of whispers inside him, beating so profoundly just simply being in Fuji's presence. Sit with her, his heart said.

And for once, since Chuuya had met Fuji all that time ago, he followed his heart.

The grass was not itchy like he had expected it to be, no, it was soft like the clouds that hung in the baby blue sky. He almost wanted to equate it to Fuji's long straggly hair which was inches away from him, but then he realised he had never ran his fingers through it and so knew not what it felt like. And suddenly his yearned to feel the strands of her hair and he immediately told his heart to shut up.

Well, internally of course. Yelling at your heart to shut up out loud would have given Fuji the impression she was sitting with a deluded teenager, and somehow he didn't want her to think of him like that. He didn't realise it but he cared about what she thought of him.

"That cloud looks like you," She mumbled, pointing to the sky with her fingers which if one looked closer upon further inspection, would reveal the scars of her battles with herself and her cruel fate.

Chuuya grumbled, resting his head on the ground like Fuji. He couldn't believe he was doing this, this, of all things. And yet he was. "It's just a hat."

"Exactly," She replied, stifling a laugh.

Chuuya blinked. He had just heard her laugh, well partially. And the sound of it made his heart tingle and his breath become flustered. He was immediately overcome with an annoyed expression but that dissipated when he savoured what he had heard.

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