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My school shirts are still stainless white.
It wasn't like I didn't have friends, to scribble something on them.
I don't have memories of "last day of school".
It's not like I wasn't capable of making them.

There are a million little things I missed out on, while I tried to chase something big.
And here I am, in the middle, far from the big thing I thought was worth it,
Far from the little memories I can never have.

Someone told me that friends don't last forever. Learn to let go. I can't say if that's true.
But life doesn't last forever too.
And I can't let it just go. Can I?

I look at them, celebrating, making memories to look back at, scribbling on the school uniform, which is going to be kept in a safe, and reliving their journey, and stories to be told.


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