I look at the world, I look at people.

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I look at the world, I look at people.
Not everyone is happy.
Everyone has their own struggles, their own strengths,
Their own angels, and their own demons.

I look at the world, I look at people.
Their joy, their sufferings, their smiles, their tears.

I want to close my eyes, and try to hide myself from the reality, which is different for everyone, and the uncertainty of my own reality.

I look at the world. I look at people.
I've seen people who struggle with a smile on their lips,
And I've seen people, surrounded by a million luxuries, yet far from contentment.

From a tiny bacteria, to a giant whale,
Every thing is born for a reason, everything has a purpose.
But I look at the world,
Full of people unaware of their purpose,
Spending lives like machines,
And with a million regrets, while death stares them in the face.

I look at the world, I look at people.
We spend our today, trying to build a safer and better tomorrow,
But when that tomorrow comes, it becomes the today, only to be sacrificed, for yet another tomorrow.

I'm scared, of missing out the small moments, little details, while trying to draw the larger picture.

Cuz when I look at the world,
When I look at people,
I see artists,
Trying to create something beautiful,
For someone else.

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