to my beloved stranger

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what you believe is
acutely me.
And what is actually me are totally different.

and that's fine with me because
all that you see is all that you yourself has aloud yourself to see

others see more of me ; others less

But Not you,

you opened me up

Broke my walls

You see more than my Father ,mother , sisters ,brothers , aunts ,uncles ,cousins

you are a stranger too me
yet you yourself have aloud yourself to see more of me

then anyone else has ever aloud themselves to

you saw me for me

you saw beyond my appearance ,

beyond my words,

beyond my actions

you saw me for me

and i thank you

my beloved stranger ~A.B

so thats my first ...dont think anyone will ever read this but if you do i want to let you know that i appreciate it.

im not that good at writing . i just needed somewhere to write. <3<3<3

shit i wrote when bored and aloneWhere stories live. Discover now