Seeing me eating properly, like a normal person, made Sirius very happy. 

So, I finished my shower and got dressed. I then went to the kitchen, where Remus was sitting at the kitchen table reading a newspaper. I nodded to him as I opened the fridge to begin making breakfast. 

Bacon, eggs, and toast. A simple breakfast that sounded so good. 

"The full moon is next week."

"Are you going to Scotland?"

"I always do. Thank you, again, for arranging that cellar to be built. You'll never understand how much-"

"Stop thanking me," I snipped softly as I turned to face him. A part of me was infuriated that he was so calm and collected around me, knowing that he was endangering my brother. I forced that anger into the box it had sprung out of, and smiled weakly, "You're my best friend, Remus. No matter how much you drive me insane, I want you to be safe. That includes keeping you from hurting anyone."

So when this is all over, I can force you to tell me the truth. 

He smiled softly before returning to his paper. I refused to look at the article headline, as it was likely about Sirius or I. 

The Daily Prophet still hadn't found anything better to report on. 

I went about making breakfast, and waking the girls. I got Esme settled at her little table in the living room, where she ate, drew, wrote, and did whatever else her heart desired. Remus took Aubrey and sat her beside him in her high chair, helping me juggle motherly and wife duties by feeding her baby food while I went to coax Sirius into joining us in the realm of being awake. 

As I anticipated him doing, the moment I got close enough to the bed, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me onto the bed with him. I squealed, as quietly as possible, as I landed on the mattress. 

Sirius stared at me for a long moment, his eyes betraying every ounce of happy content he felt. 

"I love you."

"I love you," He murmured as he gently kissed me. I relished in the moment as they were few and far between now. When Sirius finally pulled away, he met my eyes and smirked, "What's for breakfast? Do I smell burnt toast?"

"You asshat!" 

My husband's shenanigans had caused me to burn toast, and Remus was too busy coaxing Aubrey into opening her mouth for the 'airplane' and 'choo-choo train' to have noticed. 

I made sure to serve Sirius the burnt toast. 

Later that day, around the time that we were going to meet with Lily and James, we sat in our bedroom just sitting side-by-side. Esme and Aubrey were asleep, and Remus was in his room. 

I had told him that Sirius and I would be leaving the house using James invisibility cloak - which I asked him to send me - so we could go into Godric's Hollow and spent the day together. He agreed when we informed him we'd have an Auror meet us down the street, and we'd be heavily glamoured. 

Part of me, the same part that cherished the friendship that Remus and I had, felt bad lying to him. 

He was lying to me, though, wasn't he? I shouldn't feel bad for lying to protect my family. 

Sirius asked, once again, why we were so adamant about not telling Remus. 

"Regulus told us there was a mole," I reminded him, quietly as we opened the front door under the cloak. We stepped out and closed it behind us, walking slowly and quietly down the walkway. I lowered my voice to a mere wisp of sound, "Magdalena told me that the person endangering James had no intention to hurt me. Who else do we know that would chose me over him? Aside from you."

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