"Nope, you're not but you're my baby".

He starts the car and drives off to school like the car racer he actually is.
I laugh,
"I'm not your baby either"

He smirks,
"whatever you say, baby"

I raise my head and hands up. "Ugh! I could strangle you right now".

He chuckles,
"but you won't."

"No." I sigh dramatically.

"Unfortunately I still need you as my bodyguard."

He laughs.
 "From what?"
"From all those girls in school that look at me evilly with their eyes. If eyes could kill, I'd already be dead"

I say seriously while Brandon shakes his head smiling.
  "No one's gonna hurt you while I'm around.
"See? This is why I can't strangle you." I say seriously.

Brandon chuckles.

And we arrive at school. He parks then we get out. He put his hand around my waist and I've learnt not to argue with him about it after that one time.


Brandon's puts his hand around my waist as we're going into school.
  "Brandon get your hand off!"
He replied
"No" and put on an act of indifference. We were now in the hallways.
  "Get it off now!"
  "No, what are you going to do about it?"
  I huffed and removed his hand. I was suddenly spun around. Brandon then leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth, lingering for a while, then spoke in my ear,
  "You're mine, Leah" and walked to his locker while I stood shocked.
Flashback ended.

After that, I pretended it never happened, he didn't bring it up, so there, chapter closed. People thought we were dating since then. He didn't dispel the rumors, I didn't care until now.
"Brandon?" I spoke up.


  "Aren't you going to tell those girls that we aren't dating?"
"What for?"
He looks at me as we stop by my locker.
"Don't you want to date any of them?"
"No" he frowns
"Why not?" I ask, confused.

  "I'm not interested"
I say as I take what I'll need, close my locker and follow Brandon to his.
"Anyway, your birthday's next month. You'll be what? 27?" I joke.

He narrows his eyes and flicks my nose. I frown, touching it.
"No, you little idiot. I'll be nineteen. Why did you bring it up?"

He asks while taking what he needs from his locker.
"What do you want for a gift?"
"Whatever you buy."
He says and walks me to my class.
"However, I'll request one thing from you that day. You can't refuse".

I thought about it,
"hmm okay".

We were now in front of my class.

"Okay, see you later, Brandon."

He kisses my forehead,
"see you later, baby"

He turned to go to his class while I grumbled under my breath and entered mine.

After class,

Heading towards the cafeteria, I bumped into someone at the door.

"I am soo sorry"
I said while getting my balance and looked up when the person sneered. I rolled my eyes. Of course it's the queen bee, Suzy.
"Watch where you're going, bitch."
"I already said I was sorry, you don't have to be so rude."
"Well, you ruined my clothes."

Okay, I'm done here.
  "You and I both know you can afford lots more so if you'll excuse me, I have real friends waiting for me".

I push past her and head into the cafeteria and straight to the table my friends are at. Everyone was there apart from Brandon. He was getting my food because cafeteria food sucks.
"Hey Chase"
I say giving him a high five.

  "Hey Jax." another high five.
"Lizzy, Jo." I say hugging them both.
"Sup" Lizzy asks

  "Cool." I reply
"Where's Brandon?" That's Chase asking.

"Where else?? He's bringing my food"

They all laugh. Yeah, they're all used to it.

They all scream. I laugh.

So, my friends. Lizzy, typical girlie. Blond hair, average height, black eyes. She was absolutely beautiful and definitely crushing hard on Jax.

Jax, typical bad boy. Never keeps a girl around for more than a week. Blue eyes, black hair, the whole cliche dressing. Doesn't have a clue that Lizzy likes him.

Jo, brunette, brown eyes, very wealthy parents, short (NEVER call her that), crazy fashion sense  In love with Chase but scared to tell him.

Chase, blue eyes, brown curly hair that is so soft to touch. A bit of a rock and punk with the eyeliner but so soft at heart. Also in love with Jo and also scared to tell her.

I felt a kiss on my cheek and turned to see Brandon,
"Hey, baby"
"You got it?"

I ask excitedly. He chuckled and dropped the pack in front of me.


I squealed, all my friends laughed but I don't care. I love my food.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet me. Leah McDonald, pretty normal, brown eyes, brown hair, short, definitely not model shape.

Last but not least, Brandon. Green eyes, black hair, bad boy dressing but not a player.

One more thing, I've been in love with Brandon for as long as I can remember but refused to tell him in fear of getting rejected.
All the boys are in the football team, girls are in cheerleading.
People, welcome to Beechwood high, New York. Did I tell you the food in the school's cafeteria sucks?  I did? Well, I'mma say it again, Cafeteria food sucks.

And chapter one is up, please let me know your views on it. Thanks!
Til next time!

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora