He walked into a kitchen and starts to cook eggs, bacon and toast. He grabs 5 plates and puts the food on them and placed them all on the table. "FOODS DONE COME AND GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT" He yelled with a deeper voice.

You could hear feat running and coming closer and closer and closer.

'Who are they', 'what do they look like', 'I wonder if he is with someone'.

Then you could see a teenage Eri and Kota running towards Deku smiling big, Deku gets ready to be tackled and he does. He is knocked to the floor with a big 'THUMP'. "DAD/DADDY" they both yell at the green hair adult.

"IT'S US" both Eri and Kota yell excited and very happy that they are his kids. Mido was smiling bigger than ever happy he was there dad.

"WHAT HAPPENED IS EVERYTHING OK" yelled another deep voice as they came running out you can see an older looking Shoto Todoroki with a worried look on his face as he heard the thump from deku falling.

"Yea were ok Sho they are just excited" Mido says looking at the kids still on his stomach. "*sigh* thank All Might i thought it was another villain" Shoto said as he walked towards Izu on the floor, he picked up Kota off Izu. "PAPA PUT ME DOWN" Kota yelled at Shoto.

Everyone was shocked but happy because most knew about there relationship while some didn't. "SHOTOOO" endeverwhore yelled scaring most people there. Mido was scared because he thought endeavor was going to kill him.

"yes" shoto said in his normal monotone voice. "MY SON IS NOT ALLOWED TO BE GAY IT'S A SIN, ALL GAY PEOPLE SHOULD-" enderverwhore yelled (it made me so mad to write this i'm sorry) but he was cut of by Shadow "SHUT UP YOU USELESS HUMAN, IF YOU WANNA YELL ABOUT BEING GAY IS A SIN THEN YOU SHOULD JUST...JUST....AHHHH FUCKING DIE YOURSELF YOU USELESS BITCH, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF YOU WERE HATED AND ABUSED FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE" Shadow yelled shocking everyone. But it didn't stop there endeavor got angry " I WOULD STAND UP FOR MYSELF INSTEAD OF BEING A WEAK LITTLE BRAT LIKE THAT KID" He yelled while pointing at Izuku. Mido was on the verge of tears, Shoto was angry and was going to say something but he stopped when he saw Shadow.

She had electricity flowing around her, like Denki's only yellow, white and purple."SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP" She said as she shot enderverwhore with a large lightning bolt and knocked him out.

"Ok let's continue" She said clearly still angry, she just walked over and gave deku a hug the then walked over to denki and shinso and hugged them to try and calm down, they happily smiled at her and hugged her back and the screen continues.

"Nah I'm good" Shoto says to the squirming kota."Papa put him down" Says another female voice.

Both Deku and Shoto turn around to see a tall-ish girl with long hair red on her left and white on her right and green tips at the bottom part of her hair, one of her eyes blue and the other green. She was wearing a U.A school uniform.

"Woah who is this" Mina asked Shadow. "You will see" shadow answered.

"Morning Kaisa" Mido says to the girl. "Mornin Dad" Kaisa answered. "SIS" Both Eri and Kota yell. Shoto dropped Kota and both Eri and Kota ran other to hug there sister.

"Woah she's hot" (guess who) mineta staited. Shadow was just starting to calm down but now she was angry again but no one knew why, I mean everyone was angry but she was fuming.

"Say it again" Shaodw said facing mineta, as soon as he saw her face you could have sworn he saw a ghost.

"That's what I thought" She said as she continued to hug denki and shinso.

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