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The ticking of the bell was deafening my inner thinking. I can't afford to fail this test! Mrs. Wednesday would murder me! I plugged my ears with my paws and stared down at the paper."If m is 2, x is 5, and b is 7, what would be y?" I thought to myself. I didnt know. Then I remembered what Mrs. Wednesday said."y=mx+b." Yes! I had the equation now! All I need to do is-


I dropped my pencil. The bell had rang. Damnit! I sighed."Damn, I was so close too..." Robbie looked over at me."Don't feel too bad, I'm about 100% sure that I got an AP on it."

AP is a grade. EX is the highest and BE is the lowest EX is an A, ME is a B, AP is a C, and BE is a D. In this class, I have a BE. My teacher, Mrs l. Wednesday, said I'd have to spend a week of studying until bedtime if I failed another test.

I live in the Grandfalls orphanage, a small orphanage in the small town of Grandfalls.

Life in the orphanage is pleasant, but can sometimes irritate me. It's just school and home in one building. If I get in trouble during class, I'm forced to stay in my room till 7pm, when its time for dinner. Which isn't bad, I have a lot of stuff there. But it can get kinda boring sometimes.

I looked back at Robbie"Hey remember, I have the lowest grade. If I fail this test, I can't come out of my room for a week. I'll be too busy studying." Just then, I heard a few others whispering.

"Do you see that girl over there?" "I hear she's a witch." "Yeah and I heard her parents were killed by a de-anthro wolf." "You see that eye-patch? I hear that de-anthro wolf that killed her parents got her as well." "It should have killed her."

About a decade ago, the first anthro animal appeared. Over the next 10 years, more and more showed up until about 87% of the population were anthro animals. Humans are now treated like shit now.

I felt sick. All these people...what the duck did they do to them?! There acting like total piece of shit! I could tell by her face that she was listening, being hurt by all this gossip. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to her.

"Hello!" She looked up at me with a shocked face. I guess it's been a while since she was greeted."Um...hi?" Her face was red with embarrassment."My names Morgan. What's yours?" She looked down at her desk and looked back up."My name is Yume, but everyone calls me Karma." Karma? That's a cool nickname I need to ask her.

"Why do they call you Karma?"

"Because I got what I deserved..."

My face lit up with shock and embarrassment. I should've known. All these people are so cruel! I feel sorry for her."Sorry. I guess I'll call you Yume."

"Please call me Karma. I don't like my name."


There was silence from both of us for a few seconds. Then I broke it." you have any hobbies? What do you like doing?" She looked down at her desk again."Reading...manga..." I looked at her with amazement.'You like manga? I like manga as well! What's your favorite?" She looked kind of embarrassed at the question."Well...have you heard of...Kiss Him, Not Me?"

Oh...she likes

"Ooh! I like that one as well!" She looked at me weirdly."Your lying."

"N-No I'm not! I live that one! I may be...a little" I wasn't lying. I'm pretty sure I am gay. She looked up elst me slightly."Cool..." Karma looked down again. Wha- she doesn't even care! Oh whatever...

"Well, it was nice meeting you Karma!" Her face lit up."I-It was nice meeting you too..." I walked back over to my desk. Jackson, who is a total piece of shit to everyone around him, approached me.

"Hey I saw you talking to the witch. You know you'll get cursed and die if you talk to her." I looked right into his eyes. I felt like pushing him today. Let's see what he would do.

"Well, don't know about you but I feel pretty alive right now." He frowned."You dont instantly die, gay boy." Did he think calling me gay would phase me?
"Dude...I hope you know that those are rumors."

"So? Shes a witch!" I stood up and looked at him."Yeah and people say your strong and fearless. Not all rumors are true." I put my hand on his shoulder. Jackson's eyes grew angry."What the hell did you just say to me?" He was trying to sound intimidating but he didn't scare me. I snorted. He didn't like that."You little shit!" He cocked his hand into a fist and threw it into face, hitting me square in the nose. I fell backwards onto the ground.

I ran my hand over my face. My nose was slightly bleeding. The rumors about him being strong were false. My mouth was also bleeding. I bit my tongue when he hit me. Jackson lifted his fist and charged at me, but two other people held him back. I chuckled.

"Wow...resorting to violence. I'm 'so hurt'." His face lit up with anger, only making my grin bigger. Just then,
Mrs. Wednesday came over and smacked Jackson across the face."Get your act together young man! No ones going to adopt you if your always causing trouble. No dinner for you!

He looked kinda sad. Serves the dick right."Hey, you need help?" I heard from above me. When I looked up, my eyes widened with love. There was this really...REALLY cute boy. He was trying to give me a hand, and I took it and he brought me up.

When I looked at him with a better look, I saw that he was even more beautiful. I was 5"8½ and he seemed to be about 5"7, so he was just shorter than me. He was also pretty skinny while I wasn't. I'm not fat, overweight, or obese, I'm just not skinny.

"Hey, you alright?" the boy asked. I was blushing so much."Um...y-yeah." He sighed."Good. You should wash that blood off." He was practically shoving me out the door."H-hey wait!" I yelled. He stopped pushing me."Yes?"

"C-could I get your name please?" He smiled."My name is Dusty! You?" I calmed down a bit."Morgan." He smiled even more."Morgan...that's a cute name!" My face was so red by then that I could be mistaken for a street light."Th-Thanks..."

"No problem. Now go clean yourself up!"


I walked out of the door towards the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2020 ⏰

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