2 | It's All Your Fault

Start from the beginning

"KATSUKI!" my mom shouts with fervent ire, her voice likely coming from the living room. "Don't make me get you myself!" Her powerful, penetrating tone is oozing with authority.

"Shit," I snarl, scowling amidst my sea of fragile tears breaking along my arms. Like hell I'm gonna let them see my pathetic ass like this. "It's not that hard to cut the goddamn waterworks!" While internally lambasting myself for displaying weakness in the form of crying again, I stagger to my feet that are now wet from my small puddle of melancholic tears that accumulated on the cold floor.

My eyes continue to throb and pulsate as if they'll leap out from the comfort of my head at any given moment. They also sting from me having rubbed them vigorously with my hands to clear away my foul tears. My heart, on the other hand, is currently being chewed on like a dog gnawing at a bone. As for my mental state, even I'm aware that I'm certainly not stable right now.

Splashing water on my face like I always do after squeezing every last drop of the salty liquid I've held back out of my eyes, I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment. My face is considerably red—most prominently around my eyes—and it just looks like I crawled straight from hell.

Although I would've preferred never to have woken up today, I nonetheless kick my ass into gear and briskly walk out of my room to say goodbye to my parents.

"So you finally decide to come out for your parents?" My mom drums her fingers along her arms, but once I pull my head up to look at her, her brows raise. Well, shit.

My dad is the first to address the redness of my face, however. "Are you sure you're feeling all right, Katsuki?" He places his hand on my forehead, and while it's metaphorically burning, I'm positive that my temperature is normal. "Did something happen?"

Tch. I'd tell you if I could, but it's not like you'd believe a damn word out of my mouth. "Nothing happened. Now let's get this over with." I curl my arms around both my mom and dad as they follow suit. Honestly, this time it feels...heartwarming, but the rest of my mind begs to differ. "I might come back over the weekends if I get the chance. Now, I'll be off." Speaking with a certain air of level-headedness is rather unusual for me, but after I have explosive episodes like this morning, I find myself unnaturally calm for a while after that.

"We'll be proud of you, no matter what happens," my dad assures me with a timid smile. "Remember that we'll be rooting for you. Oh, and we'll have the rest of your stuff shipped to you within the next week." He pushes his glasses up along the bridge of his nose.

"Push your limits, Katsuki," my mom nags me. "If you slack off, that's your own loss!"

"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Grabbing my suitcase, I walk past my parents and to the front door. "I'll see you whenever I see you again." Without another word passing between the three of us, I (regretfully) make my way to U.A.

Petty birds chirp their cheap morning songs as a few flutter overhead. Pale blue skies sprawl out across the upper half of my vision like a massive paint canvas. All-encompassing sunlight sears the land with great vigor and vitality. It's all far too peaceful for my liking.

I still can't believe I'm gonna have to share a dorm with that jackass, I think with a disgruntled scowl forming on my lips again. God, what are the damn odds? I'll have to show him his place. Since he's so blasé about the shit that's been killing me, I'll din into his mind that I will always be superior to him. I'll teach him the shit he can't see. Now a devilish smirk limply grasps the corners of my lips. Maybe this won't be so bad if it means I get ta yank him by a collar and chain like he did to me. He'll have to eat up the pain until there's no room for more.

In My Memories | Suicidal Villain Todoroki x Depressed BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now