when they're stumbling

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chapter fifteen

Rigby wanted to cry into Mordecai forever.

He wanted to run away with the blue jay, far far away from the city and deeper into the shadowy world where they can cry together and forget about their problems.

But that was merely a feeling.

As Mordecai started to pull away from Rigby, his mouth pulled into a tight frown and silent tears trailing down his face, the taller other took a shaky breath. "Y-you should take a shower, dude. We can talk more about it after."

"But I don't want to," Rigby protested. He was lazy, sure, and upset too. A shower was the least of his worries. But Mordecai argued that he was getting his bed dirty and tracking mud around the house; and you'll feel better, after, he added.

So Rigby got up, legs wobbling, and stumbled to the bathroom. As the door opened, he almost fell in, a lump forming in his throat.

He wanted to cry more.

He wanted to get rid of the stupid voice that whispered in the back of his head.

He wanted to fight someone.

The raccoon tore open the shower curtain and turned on the water, watching as it descended from above and pattered against the floor. His breath hitched, and the heat rising from the water reminded him of the summer day outside, the summer day that happened when he lay next to his best friend and wanted to kiss him so bad.

He climbed into the shower, and felt the water rush around him, hitting his face at an angle that could almost pass as him crying. He curled his hands into fists, then looked down and watched as the muddy water swirled into the drain.

Soon, the water was clear, and Rigby reached for the shampoo, a small sob building up in his throat. But he refused to let it out, wincing some.

But then he stopped when he heard the door open, and then close. He felt his eyes widen, and he slowly reached for the curtain, peering around it just as Mordecai had grabbed for it too.

They stared at each other, the shower water hitting Rigby and drenching him. Mordecai was calm, but his eyes said something more. "You... do you uhhh... need any help?" He asked.

Rigby opened his mouth to snap, to argue that he wasn't a baby and could wash himself. But he stopped himself. The other just wanted to help, it seemed. And they were friends, of course. It wasn't weird or anything, right? Wrong.

"Do you need a shower too?" Rigby croaked instead.

"I mean, yeah, but... i-it's not weird, is it? To... take a shower with you?" Mordecai's cheeks grew red at this, and visibly cringed at himself.

"It kinda is, dude. But uhh... I don't mind," Rigby responded. The anxiety was ripping him apart, anyways, and seeing Mordecai calmed him down in a way. He opened the curtain fully, and Mordecai stepped in with him. Immediately he became soaked and they stood there awkwardly at first, gazing at each other.

But then Mordecai grimaced, and his hand ran through Rigby's matted fur, pulling at the knots and stray mud that still clung. "Dude, you're filthy!" He said.

"That's kinda what happens when you go out in the rain-- ow, stop, that's a knot--!" Rigby grabbed Mordecai's wrist, pulling the other's hand away.

"Okay, okay," Mordecai reached for the shampoo, and the two switched places to where Rigby was out of the water, "Let me at least help you."


Rigby closed his eyes as Mordecai squirted the shampoo into a hand and began massaging the top of Rigby's head, making sure to get into his fur. It felt quite... good, he couldn't lie. And Mordecai knew how to scrub well, too. His fingers worked with ease, and Rigby leaned into it, feeling calmer now.

Soon, Mordecai was singing softly to himself, and his hands pulled away when he was done. They switched places again and he helped Rigby rinse off, making sure to get all the matted parts loose and untangled.

"Why are you good at washing hair?" Rigby snapped. He was too stubborn to admit to his admiration towards Mordecai's hands in his fur, the thought making him blush.

"I don't know," Mordecai admitted, working on washing his own clump of feathers on his head, closing his eyes some. "Just comes naturally I guess."

"I hate that answer."

Mordecai grinned, then flung shampoo at Rigby, suds and bubbles flying. Rigby screeched as it hit his arm but it immediately washed into the drain. He laughed some, and the two began trying to hit each other playfully, water falling every which way.

Then they switched places again, still trying to hit each other before giving up. Mordecai picked up the conditioner.

"Conditioner? I don't need that!" Rigby protested.

"Well, if you want to get the knots out, then yes," Mordecai mumbled. Rigby watched as he put a small amount into his hand and then sighed loudly as the other rubbed it into his fur, making sure to get the ends.

"This is lame."

"You're lame."

Rigby snorted, and they gazed at each other, Mordecai's hands coming to a stop on his face...

"Dude uhh... you wanna talk about that kiss?" He asked, quietly, almost inaudible behind the sounds of pattering water. Rigby froze, and stared up at him.

"Ugghhh... that kiss? I just realized how bad it was. I literally puked before hand!" Rigby replied.

"I liked it," Mordecai said, quickly, then flinched. "Er... I-I..."

Rigby stopped him and grabbed his wrist, gently. "You wanna talk about it after this shower? Then I can tell you about the demon, and then we can figure things out, finally..." he mumbled.

Mordecai softened, his shoulders relaxing.

"Sounds good, dude."

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