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Isabella's POV
"Uhhh..... sorry I just didnt mean for the outburst," "Alaric" said scratching the back of his head. "How are we taking him down?"
"Uhhh..... Bonnie has enough which power to kill him. She'll end him,"
"Right. Well anyways I'm gonna go, Isabella can I see you outside for a moment? I got some questions,"
"You just met her why do you need to talk to her?"
"Can I not get to know her? I'll be back promise I wont run off with her,"
"But Klaus-"
"We'll get back to that later," he says pulling me along.
Once out the door I gasped as he pushed me up against the wall.
"I thought you were dead? What Elijah told me was true your here, your alive,"
"I have nothing to say to you, you killed mommy,"
"I did not. Mommy is just on time out. Look believe me when I say I didnt throw them in the ocean, I wouldnt do that to our family,"
"But Uncle Eli-"
"Believes I did but I promise you I did not, I keep them safe,"
"So, I can be reunited with mommy?"
"Indeed you can little one. I promise you that you will be reunited with her along with Elijah, now give yer old uncle a hug,"
I giggled as I rushed into his arms hugging him tight.
"I missed you,"
"I do too little one, you should have at least contacted,"
"I didnt know where you guys were. You took off,"
"We thought you were dead what else are we supposed to do?"
"I know," I whispered sighing.
"Come with me back to this history guys apartment,"
"I cant Steffie and Dammy will-"
"You'll be reunited with Mommy. Shes there right now,"
"She is? Are you sure?"
"Would I ever lie to you?"
"I guess not. I really do wanna see mommy, but Steffie and Dammy-"
"Wont even notice your gone. I promise I'll have you back by nightfall,"
He smiled.
"Good come let's go," he says grabbing my hand.
Once we reached his apartment I looked around.
"Nice place?" I questioned as it was just a regular apartment.
"Now wheres my mommy? You told me you had her Uncle Klaus,"
He sighed as he pulled something out of the back of his pants. My eyes widened as I saw a small white and blue dagger he pulled out.
"U-Uncle Klaus?' I questioned backing away from him.
"Sorry Isa, I searched high and low for this. It's a special dagger made especially for you. I love you and I cant afford to lose you again,"
"U-U-Uncle Klaus no please...... I love you Uncle don't do this,"
"And I love you little one. Which is why I have to do this," he said a tear running down his cheek as i was pressed up against the wall.
"UNCLE NO!" I screamed just as the dagger was pushed into my chest.
I cried out in pain as I looked at my uncle while sliding down on the floor. My eyes were growing increasingly heavy as by the time I had fallen completley they were closed.
Damon's POV (Nightfall)
I checked my watch as it was time for the dance.
"ISA YOU READY?!" I shouted from downstairs.
No answer.
In fact I honestly haven't seen her since Alaric left but we were all busy planning on how to kill Klaus I didnt even notice shes gone.
"ISABELLA?!" I shouted running upstairs only to find it empty.
I dialed the only person I could think of. How I got his number? Dont ask. He picked up after third ring.
"Who is this?"
"Well hello to you too Uncle Eli,"
"Damon Salvatore. To what do i owe the pleasure? How did you get my number?"
I smirked.
"I have my ways, anyways I was calling to see if you have Isabella. It's time for our dance and I haven't seen her in awhile I figured she ran off with you,"
"No.... Isabella is not with me. Do tell me you haven't lost a child?!" He asked raising his voice.
"No, no we haven't I was uhhh-"
"When was the last time you saw her?"
"When Alaric was here earlier asking about her. I didnt think he'd take her!"
"Oh God," Elijah says realization drawn in his voice. "DAMON YOU FOOL!" He shouted before hanging up knowing good well that Klaus has his little angel. 

Baby Gilbert (The Vampire Diaries) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें