16. Open your eyes/ drunk!!

Start from the beginning

But rahmaan wanted to go to meet his friends.... It's mean he didn't go.

Hana think and walked toward study room. She knocked on the door.

"Yes" Ahmed said and hana enter.

"Um.. Baba coffee" she said putting the tray on the front table and looked at rahmaan.

"Oh.. thank you beta" Ahmed said smiling. Hana smiled back. And again looked at rahmaan.

Rahmaan pouted and gave her pleaded look like 'please do something I want to go' which clenched Hana's heart and she started thinking.

"Beta do want anything?" Ahmed asked when he saw Hana stood there silently.

"Uhm... Yes... I mean... Baba... actually.."
Hana was thinking hard to come up with something reasonable.

"Hana.. what happen? Tell me if you want something.." Ahmed said when he saw confused Hana.

"I want to go to kulsum's house. I need some important notes" she said quickly as that idea come to her mind.

"Okay... You can go." Ahmed said with small smiling.

"Um.. Baba... can.. maan drop me to kulsum house.. actually kareem chacha is busy with other stuff" she said hasitantly afraid of what will Ahmed said. But Ahmed instantly agreed.

"Okay... Rahmaan will drop you" Ahmed said softly.

"Are you sure Baba? I mean.. here is still some relatives left to call" rahmaan acted and Hana gave him a little glared. She was afraid if ahmed change his mind.

"Yes.. I am sure.. you go.. I will do this" Ahmed said taking that dairy from rahmaan. And rahmaan and Hana walked out.

"My god.. I didn't know your this much talented... I thought I will stuck with Baba" he said as they walked out he pulled Hana toward him wrapping his arms around her waist. Hana startled and look here and there to find if anyone was there.


Hana's POV

"Maan... Your getting late" I said and moved back.

"Yeah.. but I want to thank you" maan said. And tried to pulled her again but she moved back. He frowned.

"Umm... You can thank me after you come back.. but for now you should go... Your friends must me waiting for you." I said and he seems understand and nodded moving back. And I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay.. I should go....but wait!!. When Baba saw you here.. then he will definitely know that you lied to him." He said and i think for second and said.

"Okay... You drop me to kulsum house then go to meet your friends and before coming back to home pick me up from there." I said and his face lit up which brought smiled on my face.

"Oh hana! Thank you thank you so much" he said kissing my cheek and hug me tightly. I smiled while hugging him back.

"Okay... Now let's go" he said while taking my hand and started walking.

"Wait! I just come... I didn't told mama and marzi aapi" I said and ran inside


Author's POV

"Okay... Maan please... Don't be late." Hana said as rahmaan stopped in front of kulsum's house.

"Okay... I'll be here at 6" he replied. And she nodded getting out of the car. And he drove off.

Rahmaan was thinking about hana while driving And smirked came to his lips.

Your so naive hana... You just help me to meet with my girlfriend.. he thought and chuckled a little.

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