17 | The Heavens Opened

Start from the beginning

"Skye, get in, I'll take you home and we'll just watch reruns of 'Doctor Who' and drink hot coco until I'll have to leave for the show, sounds all right?" I offered, she eyed me suspiciously, my sudden defiance making her careful as if I played a cruel trick on her. If I was, I would like to think she wouldn't know, but I was probably wrong. She was quit perceptive to that kind of thing. But then if even I didn't know I was playing a trick on her, how could she know. I didn't know what I was doing. I was just starving.

"Skye, I'm starving all right! It's already almost 8 pm and I can't remember the last time I ate, get in the fucking car!" I said half kidding, half very fucking serious.

"You won't take me to that damn sushi place?" she asked carefully, she stopped walking and I stopped the car. She stood there looking at me through the rain, water dripping down from her hair, soaking her already drenched clothes.

"No, I promise! Just get in, you probably already have a cold," I promised her, she eyed me one more time before she took a few steps forward and grasped the handle. I reached behind me; I knew I still had some towels on the backseat from when I went swimming with Mathilda, Dan and all the others in June. I didn't use the car much; it was quite expensive with the gas. Quickly I grasped one of the towels and spread it over the seat so she could sit down without totally wrecking the seat.

She opened the door and got in - finally - and I passed her another towel and a blanket. It was only now I noticed that she was shivering with cold. Gratefully she took them and started drying her hair, leaving the blanket unused on her lap. So I reached over and spread it over her legs, almost kind of tugging her in, when I was done I looked up at her. At some point she had stopped drying her hair and had started staring at me.

"Just making sure you get warm," I said in a low voice as I reached up and stroked a piece of hair out of the way, behind her ear. She just kept staring at me with those big green eyes of hers, like she was expecting me to grow an extra pair of arms all of a sudden. My hands stroked her cheek as it left her face almost unwillingly.

"Let's go, my house is closets and we need to get you out of those clothes," I told her as I started up the car. She just sat there looking at me in silence and we drove the 10 minute drive to my house through the grey, rainy streets of London.

As we walked into my apartment, Skye had started shivering even more, than before. The heat from the kiss and her hurried walked afterwards quickly wearing off. She had still the blanket around her but I doubted it was helping much. She was after all drenched to the skin. Pity she weren't wearing a white shirt like last time, which would have been nice. I closed the door behind me and tugged my shoes of in a swift movement leaving them sprawled disorderly on the floor. Skye too was trying to tug her shoes off, they were squishing with water and a small puddle had soon collected where she stood. Her hands kept slipping on the shoe making it immensely difficult for her to tug them of, and with her shaking hands it was almost impossible.

"Sit down, I'll help you," I told her as I walked around her.

"No, I don't ne..." she started but I cut her off.

"Skye. Sit. Down," I said emphasizing each word with as much authority as I could muster. To my surprise she sighed heavily and sat down, lifting her leg so I could take a hold of her shoe. Soon with a lot of pulling, they got off. It was like they were glued to her fucking feet. I reached out my hand to help her get up from the floor and yet again to my surprise she took it without arguing.

"Come on, we need to get you dried off," I said for what must have been for the 1000 time. I led her still with her hand in mine to my private bathroom, the same bathroom she had showered in the morning after the party. She obviously knew where it was, I just kind of wanted an excuse to hold her hand. I walked in the bathroom and took her with me, I quickly turned on the shower, so I was hot when she stepped under it.

"Okay, strip down and give me your clothes I'll put it in the dryer," I said as I drew my hand back from the shower, just missing the ray of water by less than half a second.

"Okay," she said still not moving into action as I expected her to, "Jamie?" she asked now seeming a tad bit annoyed.

"What?" I asked. Why wasn't she getting out of those drenched clothes? Maybe she wanted to get sick. Maybe, she was just crazy like that.

"Get out!" she exclaimed. Oh that's why! Okay, she wasn't crazy I was just forgetting the fact that even though I had seen her butt naked she still didn't want me to see it again. Bloody woman, but then again it were her call, not mine.

"Oh, yeah right. I'm still here. Just throw your clothes at me before you get in the shower, okay?" I said as I left the bathroom and as soon as I was out the door it slammed behind me. I waited a couple minutes for her to throw her clothes out to me. Soon the door cracked open and some clothes were thrown on the floor. I picked up and checked to see if she had given me all of it or just her blouse, jacket and pants. Nope, her panties and bra were there too. They were matching and black lingerie both of them, the kind of underwear girls wore when they expected to get laid, or was I just over think her choice of undergarments. Had she expected..? Nah then why would she had run off? I was over think this for sure, right? I walked into the laundry room next to the bathroom and put her clothes in the dryer and started it. That was when I realised, that she had nothing to wear, she would have to go commando in one of my sweatpants and tee shirts until her own clothes were dry. This turned me on more than I care to admit.

I got a pair of my smallest sweatpants and a very low cut tee shirt, just for my own amusement. I had considered giving her a see trough white shirt, but it would just have been too obvious, so a low cut one seemed like the better choice. I lay it outside the bathroom door and then I went into my kitchen to whip something up. I might as well show of my cooking abilities, now that we're at it.

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

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