Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven:

Over You


Step seven: there is no name for this step.

Think about your relationship,

and yes I realize I've told you not to do this,

but now I'm telling you to do it.

So, think about it.

Who did wrong?


Or them?

Don't try to hide it, 

come clean.

Because even if you blame everything on them,

I'm sure you did a little something to contribute to that.

And if you blame everything on yourself,

I'm sure they did a little something to contribute to that.

I guess that's how relationships work though,

you can't screw up a relationship,

without the other helping out a little.

And visa verse.

They can't screw it up without you helping out a little.

Relationships are built on trust,


Well, that's not all they are built on,

they sure have a hell of a lot more than trust.

They have a lot,

but you can't blame everything on one person,

which I realize is a little whacked for me to choose this song for this chapter,

considering that this song blames the other person completely.

But I just really love this song,

I listen to this song in all of my boy trouble, 

because you get to blame the other person for everything,

why wouldn't you love this song in a break up situation?

Not the point,

I'm not here to talk about my problems,

just my solutions.

But if you really think about it,

you contributed to the break up in someway,

and even if you think you didn't,

you did.

Sorry to have to break it to you.

Oh, bad choice of words, but oh well.

Grow some balls, 

or a vagina,

which ever you think is tougher.

In the end, 

your going to realize 

you were in way to deep with this relationship,


You let that person take complete fucking control of you!

And I'm sure you took a little bit of control of them, too.

But either way,

you were both pieces in a game.

The game of Life,

and not the fun board game.

The fucking hazardous one.

The one that fucking sucks.

And in that game, don't stress too much,

because in the end,

no one gets out alive.

Haha, my little joke for you all. 

Anyway, back to the point of this step.

Think about everything in your relationship,

and then don't think about it,

then think about it,

then don't.

Don't plan your timing,

just let it comes when it comes.

They are MEMORIES,

they aren't meant to come on your convenience.

In face,

I'm pretty sure they were meant to be an inconvenience.


when you least expect it,

you will stop thinking about them.

Just out of no where.

That's just how love goes.

I'm not saying you'll be over them, like the song implies,

but you won't be under their control anymore,

you'll be living your own life again.

You can't plan when to get over someone,

or when to stop thinking about them,

because that may never happen.

But if you just let life be,

it'll happen the way it's supposed to happen.

Now, if you don't believe that everything happens for a reason,

go fuck off and stop reading this chapter,

because it'll mean nothing to you.


let life happen,

because you can't predict when things will happen.

They happen when they happen,

the end.


Song: Over You- Chris Daughtry.

Even if you listen to none of the songs I tell you to, listen to this one, because it is amazing!

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