Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: 

Walk Away


Step Five: Stop trying to forget them.

It's not going to work.

You will never forget them,

you'll always remember.

They'll always remember,

whether it was love, 

or casual,

you may never know,

but a memory, faded or not, will always be there.

If you see them with someone else,

don't compare yourself to them,

because face it,

you aren't that person,

you are you.

And you always will be,

but hey,

they liked you for a reason,

and they like that other person for a different reason,

and comparing yourself is only going to make you feel worse.

And then they win.

And we NEVER want them to win.

That is just scary shit, right there!

So seriously, 

I know you are going to wonder what they have that you don't,

but truth is, 

they prolly have a lot of shit you ain't got, 

and you ain't ever going to have it.

That's why you aren't them.

Just stop the comparing,

it's fucking useless!

Don't want them to come back,

okay, you can want it,

but don't wish for it,

like on your birthday

or shooting stars.

Because that shit is just stupid as fuck!

Your going to seem so desperate.

Is that how you want your ex to see you,


No, I'm going to answer it for you, 

because I know for a fact you don't want that,

and if you do,

stop reading right now,

cause you don't belong on my shit,

if you WANT to be desperate.

It's dumb.


Another thing, 

If you have another person giving you attention,

do not,


on any circumstance,

compare that person to your ex,

cause its the same thing as comparing you to the other one,

they have a lot of shit that your ex didn't have

and your ex is going to have a lot of shit that the new one has

but that's just life.

What are you going to do?

I will tell you what you are going to do.

You are going to get the fuck up off your bed,

(that prolly needs washed)

clean up the Kleenex,

take a shower,

get out 

and enjoy your life!

Because you need to get over it,

move the fuck on,

and just 

Walk Away.


Song: Walk Away- Paula Deanda 

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