I'm tired of the bullshit. -51 likes, 228 comments
Not sure what to do right now...-feeling confused😣 -47 likes, 172 comments
I'm done with her, I'm so done. -22 likes, 301 comments
Single and won't be mingling for a while.-feeling numb😶 -117 likes, 36 comments

Hesitantly, I looked at some of the comments.

Victor Flores - Bro... just break up with her.
Vincent Maxwell - I just don't know right now. She's going through hard times and she's pushing me away. I'm trying so hard to help, but I really hate how she's treating me.
Victor Flores - What happened?
Vincent Maxwell - Her mom died a couple of months ago.
Victor Flores - I mean, you can't exactly blame her, but if you've been trying to help her and she isn't responding... She's got to go. You said it's been a couple of monhts.
Victor Flores - months*
Vincent Maxwell - I'll do what's right, she seems tired of me anyways.
Alfonso Pauta - Honestly, it hurts to lose your mom. You should wait a little.
Vincent Maxwell - I can't if she's always pushing me away.
Anna Liang - Dude, come on. She practically just lost her mom.
Deren Kuang - Even so, she shouldn't treat a person like shit, especially if they're trying to help her...
Anna Liang - I guess you never lost your mom?
Vincent Maxwell - Please don't argue, I've made my decision already.
Alfonso Pauta - Are you sure you want to do this?
Deren Kuang - I think you should. If she loved you, she would've accepted your help.
Vincent Maxwell - I've never been so hurt in a long time...
Anna Liang - Smfh, I thought you were better than this.
Vincent Maxwell - Can you really blame me, Anna?
Anna Liang - She just lost her mom. Give me a break- and you wonder why you can't stay in a stable relationship.
Alfonso Pauta - That's too far.
Victor Flores - Stop, Anna.
Vincent Maxwell - Lmao, that's how you feel?
Anna Liang - You've broke so many hearts, Vincent. Give her time.
Vincent Maxwell - Ugh, I'll just see what I can do.

Writing made me lose track of time. Two weeks turned into two months. Two months turned into two years.

For those two years, I lived very... hollow.

I went to more parties with Yvette, hooked up with different guys for less than 3 months. They all meant nothing to me.

Actually, that's a lie.

I remember hooking up with this guy. His name was Ivan Reyes and he somewhat reminded me of Yvette. He was mixed like her- half Filipino, half black (though he was mainly black below the belt 😉)- but he would sometimes be extremely honest. I think that's why I broke up with him, his brutal honesty would kill me. We dated for about five months, but I couldn't take the things he would say sometimes. I wanted to tell him about how much it hurt me, but I was surprised to see how hurt he was when I let him go. Maybe if I told him, we could've still been together today. Of course, I was very hurt as well.

And slowly, I began to realize that there was nothing left for me. I began to feel suicidal and just completely cut myself off from everyone. I changed all of my afternoon classes to AM so I wouldn't have to see Jerv, Todd, Yvette and the other guys I dated. I always wore sweats and a hoodie so nobody would really notice me, which was kind of stupid since everyone knew me by that attire. My grades were excelling but my heart was as hollow as it could get.

Until I received a text.


I stared at the text from Vincent Maxwell. Many emotions that I never felt in a long time came out. Anger, frustration, longing... It's sad that his contact was still <3 Vincent <3😍👪💕 and not a random number. I didn't respond to the text for about a month, but then I realized we both had iMessage and laughed. He most likely became upset that he could see the little time check. About a week after, I received another.

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