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Sometimes, I wished I could easily blend in with the background... Sometimes, I just wished I could be invisible. Nothing could've eased my depression after reading that text.

I was serious- I'm done.

Everything we've been through was for nothing. I couldn't blame anyone but myself, I decided to be the asshole to ruin everything. Vincent tried for many months to help me, but I just wasn't responding.

I began to miss his nightly Skype calls and good morning/night texts, even though I eventually found them annoying. One day, I logged on to Skype and noticed his contact wasn't really there anymore. Instead, it showed a white face and a blue background with a white bubble that had a green outline.

He deleted me.

I looked at the messages we used to send each other. My heart leapt at how we used to be.

Bae, you awake?
Yeah, just got up lol. How are you? <3
I'm okay, I have so many papers to grade. -_-
LOL! The teacher struggle!
Don't even start
xP <3 I can't wait to see you again
I love you Azura <3
I know that's a lie
Lmaooo jk <3 I love you too Vincent
I thought so, you bum -_- <3

Those conversations went to being

You good?
Okay, just checking up on you
Thanks lol
I'm off now, have a meeting
Love you, bye
Love you

I remember putting my knees to my chest and staring at the ceiling. I lost count of how many times I reread our texts. Was this for the better? Would we be happier? I couldn't find the tears anymore. I just felt... I just felt so empty. In a way, I also felt betrayed. After everything, after all of those promises...

I remember a soaring pain ripping through my head and wondering if someone decided to end me before I did.

And the saddest thing about it was that I had completely forgotten about Mom.
I remember staring into space for a long time. This emptiness- this disgusting longing. Would this be considered unrequited? I couldn't deny that I still loved Vincent. At the time, about two weeks passed and I realized he was serious.

Ian didn't return home the week before and I was thinking about phoning the police. Instead, I ended up calling Vincent and it went straight to voicemail. He always picked up, even if he was in class.

He was always there for me... And I let him down.

Why did this hurt so much? Why couldn't I feel numb to dull the pain? Why did every inch of my body feel sore and cold?

I hated this.

Maybe Ian was right. Maybe this world isn't for us, I mean... if it was, we would easily blend in. In the eyes of society, I'm a statistic- I'm meaningless. Am I invisible, though? I'm far from it.

My head began to pound more and I looked over at my homework. Should I do it? Should I risk the hundreds of dollars simply because my boyfriend broke up with me? Lifelessly, my feet touched the floor and I walked over to my desk. The headache began to increase and I realized I didn't even eat that day. Did I drink something? I forgot. That's what I called the Vincent Effect.

I remember checking Facebook for the first time in months. I had a bunch of friend requests from old friends in high school and accepted them. As I scrolled down my newsfeed, however, Vincent's relationship status changed from in a relationship to single, which got 115 likes. Of course this hurt a lot, but being the selfish person I am, I checked his wall and looked at some of his posts:

Losing Mr. MaxwellWhere stories live. Discover now