My heart thuds loudly and I swallow, my mouth suddenly dry. "We have to find out what it is they're talking about."

He nods, slowly. "Do you know a way to listen in to that meeting?"

I bite my lip, amused despite the seriousness of the situation. "Will Cain, correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds as though you are condoning something risky."

A dimple pocks his cheek and for a moment I forget about the strange distance between us. "I suppose I am."

"Lucky for you, you've come to the right girl." I start walking again, looping around the back of the courtyard and returning to the hall.

Together, we walk unhurriedly along the tiled floor, him nodding to the occasional courtesan as we stroll. Once we reach one of the entrances to the servants' stairs I slow my pace, glancing around to make sure we are alone before I grip his wrist and pull him up the stairs.

The servants' passageways are low and narrow, lined with a rough stone that is in stark contrast to the gleaming tiles of the main quarters. The route I have chosen wraps along the east side of the inner Palace—an area few servants occupy, as it leads in the opposite direction of the kitchen and the laundry room.

The stairs twist up toward the second floor and I keep one hand on the wall to stabilize myself in the small space. I can hear Will breathing steadily behind me.

The passageway widens once we reach the top of the spiral staircase. I turn right and walk down the hall, in my mind's eye counting off the doors that we pass until we reach one in particular.

"Where in the eternal Burn are we?" Will whispers.

I shush him and press my ear against the door, listening for the sound of several heavy chairs scraping against the floor while their occupants situate themselves.

It sounds as though the meeting hasn't started yet. I pull back and take a couple of steps away from the door, gesturing at Will to come closer.

"Each of these doors is the servants' entrance to a room on this floor," I explain, quietly. "This is the door to the Boardroom. If we stay very quiet, we should be able to hear the entirety of the proceedings from back here."

He shakes his head slowly, regarding me. "You really are something else."

"Stick around," I tell him. "You might learn something."

We move back to the door and lean in, listening intently to the murmuring voices from behind.

Someone speaks up, quieting the last of the chatter: "This meeting of the Board is now called to order."

There is the sound of a particularly phlegmy cough and I wrinkle my nose in disgust.

"Gentlemen, being that you are all well aware of why we are here today, I will get straight to the point." The first man expresses himself with an air of authority and I guess that the speaker is Chancellor Braun, the King's chief advisor.

"We have reason to believe that the commoners are organizing a revolt, once again." Braun's words set off a flurry of hushed whispers.

I raise my eyebrows at Will. His jaw is clenched as he listens carefully.

"How do you know this?" someone calls out.

"Our sources in the Commons have relayed rumours that the Runner is attempting to gather supporters." Braun's voice is deliberate and controlled, as though he were speaking of nothing more serious than an incoming dust storm.

"Are these rumours substantiated?"

"Not yet. At this moment, we don't have confirmation that she has managed to organize anything, but obviously we must take any threat against his Majesty or the throne very seriously."

The Runner (Part I of the Runner Series)Where stories live. Discover now