Part 4 -Who among them?And How about Nat?

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                        The King asked me,"The both of them choses you,who do you want to marry Lady Sabrina Cuevas?"I saw Natalie holding up tears for I think she think I will choose Ethan.
                       Because of anger Pia pushed me from the second floor where the thrones are placed in above-front of the hall,7m high.I am going to die!My magic shoes has slipped off and it broke and every wish disappeared,because I still have one wish left before it breaks so people remember I was wearing rags at prom that night and my gown became Rags.The crowed thinks that they remember me and Natalie wearing rags inside and people wondered why the Princes chose me and I won Prom Queen while Natalie won the Best Dressed.
                         I fainted.

                              I woke up on a very luxurious and beautiful room..I remembered what happened a while ago so I wore the dress beside me and went back to the hall.
                        "We are glad your awake now,for your judgement,who among my sons?"The king asked me.I am thinking for a while...for who among them I choose there is a heartbreak happens.
If I choose Prince Ethan...
-I might lose my bestfriend,Natalie.
-Natalie will feel deep pain.
-Prince Dylan will get heartbroken.

And If I choose Prince Dylan...
-Prince Ethan will be heartbroken.
-Natalie will have more chance to be chose by The Love of Her Life.

Who do you think Sabrina will choose?
(Well if you are reading the last parts you know who she will choose even though you didn't read Part 5 yet XD)
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