Chapter 63: Jumpy

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Rey's POV:

I woke up to find myself surrounded by monitors, I see three clear looking boxes to my left surrounded by a few nurses. I instinctively reach down to my belly and feel emptiness. I scream fearing the worst, that I have lost our child yet again. I see Ben burst through the door and run to my side. I cling to him as if my life depends on it as he desperately attempts to calm me down. My sobs eventually quiet enough for him to explain everything that has happened to me.

When he was done, I found it hard to believe that I was the new mother to triplets. I could sense Ben's anxiety through our force bond. "We got this. We know we can handle anything together." I spoke in soft hushed tones, I was relieved when I could finally sense him calming down. I shifted over in my medical bed just enough to allow him to curl up next to me. As we laid there cradling each other, we were surrounded by the sound of tinny cries. I attempted to get up and care for my children when I realized how much pain I was in. Ben gently forced me back down by placing his hand on my shoulder. "They are ok sweets. The nurses are just moving them to a different room. That way they can monitor them throughout the night without keeping you up." Ben explained as I settled back down next to him. There was silence for a while, while both of us just enjoyed the presence of the other. "I'm sorry I have been treated..." Before I could even finish the statement, Ben silenced me by kissing my lips as if it was the first time he had ever done so. If I could make this moment of peace last forever I would. However; I had a feeling telling me that it was all going to come to an end sooner rather than later.

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