Chapter 3: The Basement

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Ash, Lauren and A/R Ash all decide to finally see the basement after Lauren insisted that they do. They opened the basement door and beyond the door was a metal stairwell. They began to climb down it. After they were at the bottom there was another door, there was noise coming from the other side that sounded like people yelling and shouting. They opened the door and both Ash's were amazed. "Holy shit" Said Ash and A/R Ash. "Pretty amazing right? " Said Lauren. The room was a giant open space that resembled a casino complete with busted up slot machines. "Just a quick question. " Asked Ash. "What is it, Ash? " Asked Lauren. "Do they just lay down on the ground and sleep where they are and follow up question. Was this place some sort of casino? " Asked Ash. "To answer your first question, yes. And to Answer your second question, we believe that this was a secret gambling club created by the rich people of Elk Grove. " Said Lauren. "Hmm... Ok makes sense, but do they people even know how to fight? " Asked Ash in a bit of a panicked tone. "Don't worry Ash they know how to fight and they're really damn good. " Said Lauren. "Ok, I just... Really want things to go back to normal. " Said Ash in a worried tone. "We'll fix this Ash, besides, we've got an army and you from an Alternate reality. " Said Lauren. "Yep, you can always count on me. " Said A/R Ash. "Thanks for the pep talk guys but it's getting pretty late according to that clock right next to the stairs. " Said Ash. Right as he said that a man yelled "OK PEOPLE IT'S LIGHTS OUT! " everyone in the room then layed down on the cold hard floor and slept. Ash, Lauren and A/R Ash then headed up the stairs and went to second story of the building and slept on mattresses that were in usable condition. They went to sleep and all hoped that they would soon be able to kill The Dark Ones and put an end to the suffering they have brought upon the world.

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