Chapter 1: The Wastes

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Ash starts looking around at the barren wasteland that he's been put in "So what exactly happened while I was gone?" Asked Ash in a bit of a worried tone. "Well after you defeated Kandar we dragged you away from there as fast as we could because the Dark Ones were going to kill you if you stayed any longer, thankfully you're safe and can set the timeline right. " Said the cyborg lady. "What exactly do you mean set the timeline right, how the hell am I supposed to do the evil voodoo mumbo jumbo without Pablo? " Said ash in a annoyed tone. "There is someone else who can transcribe the Necronomicon, unfortunately that's what we need to get from the Dark Ones and they keep that under top surveillance by a horde of Deadites. " Said the cyborg lady. "Ok so two questions, first question is why exactly do you think I could solve this problem of yours and second question is do you have a name? " Asked Ash. "The reason we know you can help us is because we have heard of all of your heroic tales, we know you have the willpower and courage to do it Ash, and yes I do have a name. " Said the cyborg lady. "The last time I took on evil it lead to me waking up in God knows where and God knows how many years in the future. " Said Ash in a very annoyed tone. "Ok look Ash, I know that you're going through a rough time but we need to stop the Dark Ones and fast! " Said the cyborg lady in a very angry tone. "Ok ok, I'm sorry whatever your name is but I need to find Kelly, Pablo and Brandy. " Said Ash. "The name's Lauren, and your friends are probably dead by now but we can bring them back if you help us destroy the Dark Ones and retrieve the Necronomicon. " Said Lauren. "Ok you know what, I will help you, but just so this shit will finally end and I can go back to working at the hardware store. " Said Ash in a triumphant voice. "Ok great, now all we need to do is get ready to fight the Dark Ones. " Said Lauren. But just as she finished her sentence a group of Deadites in a Mad-Max like vehicle came up from behind them. "OH SHIT! " Screamed Ash. "It's ok I'll take care of them. " Lauren then starts shooting at them but one of them gets on their car. Lauren knocks the Deadites off of her and throws a grenade at the Deadites vehicle and it explodes. "Hoolllyyy shit. " Says Ash in a slightly hushed voice. Ash speeds up and eventually reaches The Knights of Sumeria's base.

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