18 The Termination

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GOD hates abortion. And so do I. HE weeps for the babies and their mothers. Abortion is evil. It is the murder of a life that will not continue to exist. The termination or act of bringing an end to a human who haven't yet been birthed. But who is alive and real. A baby in a womb will become and is already plenty human. And if you cause that baby that was growing to stop growing, and you end that baby, didn't you just take that baby's life?

A baby is a human being. As is a child. So, why isn't a fetus a human being as well? The fetus is in one of the human phases of not only pregnancy, but also of life.

Once the female body realizes that she is pregnant, the woman is now a mother whether she denies or agrees.

I'm not here to condemn you if you've done abortion. But to tell you that if you repent, GOD is faithful and just and HE will forgive you through the shed blood of HIS Son Jesus Christ.

I had a disturbing, troubling dream on the date of September twenty eight two thousand nineteen. It makes me so sad and disgusted about this world. Most people don't realize it, but we live in a cruel and evil world. Thus world has been messed up since the fall of Adam and Eve. In my dream, I was a student in a class. We were watching something, but apparently, the teacher changed what we were watching, to something repulsive. The teacher was an old woman who seemed to be in a screen of sorts. We were watching children, babies to be exact being killed and butchered in a type of machine. Those babies were butchered like meat. Their own mothers placed them inside these machines which cut/sliced them. It was so cruel, but the mothers continued that evilness. I could hear the babies cries, but the mothers didn't seem to hear the cries. I was in disgust, I looked at where the teacher was. How could she let us watch such a thing? There was a female student sitting next to the screen where the teacher seems to be. She touched the screen or maybe she was searching for a way to change the evilness we were watching. But the screen changed, and we could see a man with the teacher cooking some things looking like beans. It was even more abominable that the sauce they were using was deep red like blood. And then I realized that when the mothers placed their babies in those machines, the machines sliced the flesh of the babies into meat. The babies were in containers, so that when they're cut, their flesh and blood were contained in the containers. It was so evil. I prayed to GOD, to my Lord to save us. The flesh and blood of those babies were being eaten and used for cooking by cannibals. Monstrous humans who feast on humans, in this case babies. So disgusting. I could watch no more. I have seen enough. The dream ended.

How could mothers do this to their own babies? How could humans do this? I live in a cruel world ruled by evil. This inhuman act was an abomination. Society has even changed the rules by calling good evil and evil good. GOD is good and justice and goodness will be restored in the coming of Jesus Christ, my Lord.

I have also understood that the abomination of mothers killing their children is abortion. Mothers bring their small, defenseless babies in hospitals or clinics. The babies are inside of them crying, but the mothers could not hear. They have given their innocent children to evil machines that will tear them to pieces. And what happens to those pieces that are removed from the mother's womb?

GOD the FATHER weeps, and I with HIM. So much evil, but GOD will have the final word. How great is my GOD. How awesome is HE. Everyday, this evil and plenty other evils keeps happening. Yet GOD is patient, loving everyone. And waiting for them to repent and turn from their wickedness. HE could destroy the whole world if HE chooses to. Oh GOD, may YOUR name be blessed.

1 Timothy 2:1-7, "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of GOD our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one GOD and one Mediator between GOD and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time, for which was appointed a preacher and an apostle-- I'm speaking the truth in Christ and not lying--a teacher of the gentiles in faith and truth."

Ex abortion doctor tells the shocking truth about abortion. A video from the channel "Living Waters".
Warning: contains heart wrenching imagery.

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