Chapter 24

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Psalms 121:1-2 I will lift up my eyes to the hills [around Jerusalem, to sacred Mount Zion and Mount Moriah] – From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth

Demetri looked between his friend and his boss. Something was wrong. "Boris, what is happening?" he asked his friend in russian. "Demetri, I need you to get that girl out of the trunk and run to the group looking for her. If she stays she will be killed. Hurry!" Boris pushed his friend toward the back of the car. Boris popped the truck from the steering column and waited till Demetri was heading the opposite direction before he put the car in drive and sped away before his boss knew what was happening.

When Demetri had found a spot that was out of sight from the quickly disappearing town car, he looked the girl over for any obvious injuries. He knew that if Maxwell found out that he had taken the girl back to her family he was as good as dead, but in good conscience he could not leave her in the hands of that monster. The teenager was bruised from head to toe and covered in dried mud. He knew that she had injured her legs in the fall and it seemed that she had passed out due to the pain. As Demetri was assessing her injuries the girl groaned and opened her eyes. When Mallory saw who it was holding her she panicked and kicked her legs causing her to cry out. "Do not kick your legs like that. You will only hurt yourself more." Demetri said in a calm voice. "Why did you take me from where I fell?" she asked. "I was ordered to by my boss, but I was able to get you away from him. I am going to take you back to your family. Can you walk?" he asked. Mallory shook her head. She knew that at best she had a bad sprain and at worst she had a compound fracture. "Alright, I will carry you. It will not be easy, are you ready?" "Yes," replied Mallory. "My parents are doctors. My mom is an orthopedic surgeon. She will know what to do."

The man carrying Mallory had warned her that the trek back to her parents was not going to be an easy task, but she never imagined that she would ever be in this much pain. Not knowing whether the man who had wanted to kidnap her was still in the area, Mallory had done her best to be as quiet as possible. Occasionally she would let out a stifled sob into the shoulder of the man carrying her causing him to try to be more gentle in his walking, but it mattered not she was in pain regardless, and the slower he walked that longer she would have to endure the ache.

"Miss, I know that you are in pain and are scared, but I can assure you that the man who was after you is no longer in the area. I see and hear your pain. I wish that I can make it go away, but we are getting closer to your family every step we take. Go ahead and begin calling towards them so that they know that you are alright and no one else gets hurt." Demetri felt responsible for the added pain that he was causing his young charge, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do to ease it until he reached her family. At his words Mallory began to sob; not the pretty sobs you see in the movies, but the ugly crying and sobbing that accompanies emotional relief and physical pain. "Who are you?" Mallory asked between sobs. "My name is Demetri, Miss," the man carrying her replied. "Demetri, thank you for taking me away from that man, but why did you nab me in the first place?" Mallory could see the anger and remorse in the man's features. She could tell that he was disappointed in his actions. "I had just been hired on for security reasons. My friend had asked me to join, having just been promoted to head of security. He did not trust the man we were working for, but continued to feel compelled by the Holy
Spirit to work for the man. I had my reservations about accepting the job, but felt as if God was telling me that I was needed. I had no idea of what that man had planned or was capable of until today. I could tell that there was something wrong with him when I met him, but I never expected him to be so depraved. I was told to take you, but my friend and I soon realized what was happening and knew that we could not assist in his plan. After we put you in the trunk of the car my boss got a call. As we were listening we realized that there was something wrong and he was going to eliminate any type of hindrance that either he had created or that happened in his way. We knew that we had to get you out of there, so I removed you from the car, and my friend drove our employer away before he could notice what was happening. I am truly sorry for what has happened. You are doing something to protect the children here and I unknowingly hindered God's plan. I will, however, say that I am glad that it was I and my friend who were here and not the men who previously worked for that man. I shudder to think what might have happened." Mallory saw the truth in his facial expressions and heard it in his words. "Yes Mallory I have made a way. You will be returned to your family. There is much to do, and you are a part of My plan. Fear not, Mallory, Demetri is a man of God and no harm will come to you. Look ahead! Your family has just spotted your arrival." At hearing the words from the Holy Spirit, Mallory turned her head and saw that her Mother and Father had caught sight of them and noticed she was injured. She turned to look at Demetri and silently thanked him again with a smile, which he returned to her. 

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