Chapter 23

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Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1Peter 5:6-7

The Wilson family and the others were working hard to get to the plantation before the children. They wanted to make sure that there was food, beds, and fresh clothes for the children when they arrived. The small island had really been helpful. So many people wanted to help, but never felt that they themselves would ever be able to do something. Now they felt that there was hope; a hope that had not been felt in several years. The food and other supplies were put inside several cars and trucks. Many people wanted to be a part of saving the children on the street. They continued to make preparation for the journey, which could be difficult, since there had been few people up there in vehicles for quite some time. Allen Ringer went back to his home to pick up a few more supplies that he could offer, as he reached his home he noticed a man, a very large man, standing outside his door watching the events unfold. "Good evening good sir," said the strange, large man, "could you tell me what is happening over there?" Allen sensed that this man was not there to do good, but he answered him truthfully any way. "We are gathering supplies to help a group of children who are in danger. We are taking supplies up to them so that they will be taken care of." "Hmmm," said the stranger, "Why do you think they are in danger?" Allen was beginning to think that this man was asking too many questions, but again answered truthfully. "The children on the streets do not stay there long. Generally they are on the street until they are 11 or 12, sometimes younger. Once they are of that age they are either hired by one of the mills or they are taken to the brothel and put to work. It's horrible what they are forced to do. Now, we have heard that there is a man who wants to buy the children and not for good intentions. I fear that there is not much time, sir. I must get back." Allen did not wait for an answer and instead of getting the supplies he returned to the vehicles.

As Maxwell watched the man go back to the group, he caught the sight of a magnificent creature. Perfect! That blonde girl will do well as a bargaining chip. She seems important. That boy her age has not left her side once. I wonder if he feels the presence of a predator. The girl will do well as a distraction while I wait for the main event. Max eyed Mallory as she helped load trucks and then everyone got into a vehicle and left. Max signaled his henchmen to follow. As they quietly followed the caravan, he told them of his plan to kidnap the girl and use her as a bargaining chip. He also told them that when he was done with her, they could have her as well. Boris grimaced as he thought about the teenager and what his boss would do. Demetri, being new, was not sure what to make of this situation. What has Boris gotten me into?

Soon the caravan had to stop due to the poor road conditions and so it was determined that they needed to take the most important items like food, water, and medical supplies first and they would come back for the other items. Max was overjoyed at this turn of events. He told his bodyguards to stay close to him and follow his lead. Maxwell knew that they would need to go at least a few miles so as to not arouse too much suspicion.

Mallory gathered her backpack that she had filled with medical supplies, blankets, and water and followed her family up the road. Soon the weight of the pack was getting to her. "Here Mallory, take my satchel." Randell told her, "Mine is lighter. I had a feeling that you had filled yours too full." Mallory stuck her tongue at her twin making him laugh. She giggled as well. "Ok, little brother" She retorted. Randall pretended to be offended and pushed her jokingly. Mallory was taken off balance and tripped. She hit the ground hard, slipping on the wet dirt she began to slide down the hill.

Max could not believe his luck! "Ok boys," he whispered, "make sure that you find her first and keep her quiet and out of sight. Get her to the car as soon as you can." His bodyguards nodded their understanding and quietly went down the hill. Only get ex-military to be your henchmen, especially special-forces. He thought delightedly. He quietly slid into the darkness and when everyone was looking for the girl he slithered back to his car and waited until his men came back with his prize.

"Mallory! Mom! Dad! Mallory and I were joking around and I playfully pushed her and she slipped down the slope. I...I'm...So...Sor...Sorry," Stuttered Randall. He could not believe what had happened. "Help me... anyone? I think I have..." The group heard Mallory yell to let them know that she was alive and what? Has she hurt something? Soon several men were calling her name and looking for her in the vicinity of where she fell. They found the bag she was carrying and her flashlight, but they could not find her.

Boris had put his hand over Mallory's mouth and held a knife at her back, the combination of the two actions had her quiet and still. She knew that there was a real chance for her to be seriously injured, but that did not deter her to pray for help and salvation from her enemies. She knew that she had injured her legs as she fell. The pain was almost excruciating. She wanted to cry and scream, but was afraid of what the men who had picked her up would do. The other man, Demitri, was holding her legs. He noticed that there was some damage to them, but did not know how badly. When the group had passed their location, the men headed back to the car with Mallory in tow. God, I know You are with me. I don't know what is happening, help me. Protect me Lord. In reply to her prayer she felt peace and heard her God say My child, I have you in the palm of My hand. You will be alright. They will not harm you. I have sent My angels to protect you. Trust in Me and seek My face. You will be returned to your family soon.

Maxwell was overjoyed to see how easy taking the teenager had been. That she was injured made him happy as well. He knew that when he gave his demands to the magistrate and then informed him that the girl was injured, Maxwell was certain that the magistrate and the girl's family would be more than willing to cooperate. Maybe he would be able to get his new home back as well as the children that he wanted.

As he was thinking of what he would say to the magistrate, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He sighed when he saw the name of his assistant flashed on the small screen. What does he want? Max thought as he answered the call "Hello, Thomas. This better be good, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now." "Sir, something terrible has happened back at headquarters. There is an email I just received from the head of PR. It details an incident concerning a young daughter of one of the V.P.s. In the email the V.P. is claiming that you sexually and physically assaulted her daughter. The police have opened an investigation and the mother claims to have proof of the assault. The local authorities have been notified of the situation and they are looking for you. They want to extradite you back to the states, immediately." Maxwell was shocked; he made it a rule to never interact physically with the daughters of his company, no matter the level in which they worked. It was bad not only for him personally, but also for business. He racked his brain trying to think of when something like that could have happened. "Does the email give a time frame of when the assault occurred?" "Yes, it says it occurred at the launch of the new merger about two months ago." Thomas replied. Max's eyes got large as he recalled what had happened. The girl in question was twelve at the time and he was drunk. His friend and mentor had found her sneaking around in his office and had suggested to Max that they teach her a lesson. Maxwell explained what his guidelines were, but his mentor was not to be denied and the girl was so succulent. "When you were given your work phone there were several numbers that were preprogrammed. Look into your contact list and call Stephen McDonnel. Tell him that you will forward the email to him, he'll give you an address, and that I need him to go to work." "What if he asks what it's about? What do I..." "Listen to me Thomas. I pay this man a lot of money to do what he does. He will know what to do. DO NOT ask him any questions and DO NOT tell any of the local authorities ANYTHING! Do you understand me? I will be leaving immediately. Do not follow me! I need a scapegoat and that is in your job description." Max was foaming at the mouth at the idea that he was under suspicion of rape and assault. Yes he was guilty, but that did not mean that he would be caught for the crime. Thomas could go to jail. It would not be the first time that he had thrown one of his assistances under the bus just to keep his ass out of jail. "WHAT?!? I did not sign up to be a scapegoat! Whatever you have done you need to be a man and face your accusers. I was not even employed at YOUR company until a month ago! There is no way that I could be found at fault. I knew that you were ruthless and that you liked young women, but not children. You are SICK! Officer, yes, I wanted to let you know where my boss is headed." Maxwell screamed shocking his two henchmen. Boris looked at his boss, he knew that look and scream. His boss had been found out. 

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