Chapter 62: One, Two, Three

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Rey's POV:

Once rolled into a sterile white room; a nurse injected me with some kind of liquid, slipped an oxygen mask over my head, inserted an IV, and pushed yet another mysterious fluid into my arm. I started to feel drowsy and began to panic as my vision went black.

"Ben I can not just sit here and do nothing!" I yelled, worried and panic growing in me. "Rey we can not disturb the balance of the force!" He yelled back rising to full height. "I know but I refuse to lose our child to the darkness. We need to..." He cut me off by pulling me close to him.

"We do not need to do anything but watch! Rey, we trained her well. We need to trust her to use what we taught her." I had tears rolling down my eyes. "Why am I the only one freaking out? They stole her Ben! This wasn't her..." "I checked the cameras myself, Rey. She left the temple of her own will and met them outside." I could feel his own tears hitting my forehead. "No! It can't be!! I can not lose another child, Ben. I just can't" I said as I cried into his chest.

Ben's POV:

A nurse came out of the room that Rey was supposed to be in and I can feel my anxiety worse yet again. "First of all, she is ok. Rey is in recovery now and should be awake any minute. We had to do an emergency C-Section to rescue the babies. They were not getting enough oxygen, we had no choice but to deliver them early. The good news is they all look happy and healthy, we are going to keep them for observations for now. Rey appears to be perfectly healthy as well. Our theory for her mood change, all the pain she has been in and how ill she has been, is kind of out there though. It appears that there is a chance the kids are force sensitive and prematurely used their abilities on her to get her attention to the fact that something was wrong. However; overall, the big takeaway is that they are all safe and healthy." The nurse explained with a smile as I fell back into the seat I had just stood from moments ago. "Woah! You ok?" Finn asks, noticing my reaction. "You said, babies?" I ask. "Yes...didn't you know? You're the father of three beautiful triplets." I start to panic. I was already worried about raising one child right, now there are three! I snap out of my panic attack when I hear Rey scream.

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