A Companion

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I woke up to a wet cloth on my head and a splitting headache. I sat up quickly and touched my head and pulped the cloth away from my head. The man that i saw in the room before i fainted was suddenly by my side. "How are you feeling, are you ok?" The man worriedly asked me.

I looked at him in confusion not knowing who he was or what should i say to him. I looked around me and saw that everything looked medievel. The wooden table, the chairs, the mud walls and the bed i was sitting on .

I blanked out for a whipe, it must have been long because when i came to the man was waving his hand infront of me.

"Are you ok dear ?" he asked again s he put his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.

By this time i had collected my self and answered without a hesitation "yes i am ok" i said in a childish but a little tired voice

"what happened to me ?" I asked

"Oh dear. I do not know. You just fainted suddenly while playing with your brother. You scared your father. Don't do that again" the man said with worry written all over his face.

So this man was to be my father in this world i thought. I checked him over and surprisingly he did not look bad hell he looked too good. And had i been his age i for sure would have hit on him ..ugh gross thoughts. I shook head to remove that thought.

"Yes i am ok papa. You do not have to worry" i said with a little smile. I had a feeling that he was the papa type. (papa like how Elizabeth bennet says it in Pride and prejudice)

The man smiled and let out a sigh of relief . He seemed to be someone who cared about his children. Thank God for that i thought with relief.A loving father was a Godsend in ancient times especially to a girl. I felt like i would be needing it.

"I am going out to find dinner for tonight . I am leaving the house in your and your brothers care. Yana will come to check up on you once in a while ok" papa said as he stood up and picked an axe and was that a bow. Sure a bow why the hell not i thought with a shrug while looking to my side (so whenever i say that imagine like when in the Office they look to the side)

A moment later he was out the door and i was all alone. Or so i thought just as i leaned back to lay back down and continue to sleep a face came infront of me and said boo loudly.

Not that i will ever admit it but i let out a shrill shriek and jumped back . The boy started laughing and held the bed to balance himself.

"Oh my God...you ..should've seen your..face" the boy said all the while laughing like a hyena in between .

I angrily looked at him " i was just surprised ok . It is not that funny" i said with a pout and an angry huff.

"Oh it was funny God your face" and with that his laughing started all over again

I turned my face and just as i went to layback down his voice came "Pooja what is this behaviour" and without a thought i subconciously said "i'm sorry i kicked it by mistake"

It took me a minute to realize what i said and with wide eyes i turned back towards him and slowly said "you too"

"Yeah. The stranger told me i was gonna have a companion from my times and when you fainted i hoped that it would be you because the same happened to me" the boy said cheekily with a wide grin as he sat on the bed beside me

It took me 5 minutes to realize that yes this boy, my supposed brother was from the same era as me and that i would not be alone in this time.

I grinned widely and with a giddy voice asked "SOooooo...what year are you from. I mean what year did you die" and when i realized what i saud i hit my head with my head and closed my eyes "i am so so sorry. That was so inconsiderate"

"No its ok" he said laughing " i died in 2020"

"no way seriously. Same." I said with a grin on my face. Which i really shouldn't have seeing as we were talking about my death

"I died during a bank robbery" i said shrugging a little

"wait really. By any chance was it (insert bank name)" the boy said with wide eyes

Suddenly my eyes widened . When i realized that this boy must have been the same guy who was killed beside. Me . The guy who was beside me in my fjnal moments.

We both became silent for a while. "So how long have you been here" i said trying to end the awkward silence

"A week ago. Let ne tell Thank God you are here because the original person was a child. I mean yeah she was but you get the gist. i do not know how i would've survived if i had to grow up with a child with an adult mentality" he said with an eye roll

I said to him with wringing my hands "so what is your name"

"Eli. In the previous world and in this world too" he said in a thankful voice.

I told him my name and asked what i was called in this world and he confirmed that i was called by that name in this world too.

We talked for what seemed hours on our previous lives because he had only been a week in this world and i a day and had nothing to tell eachother regarding this world.

I yawned "i am really sleepy so i am going to lie down for a while"

"Yeah i felt tired too when i woke up. Guess renicarnation does that to you. He said with a small smile.

"I will talk to you when i wake up" i looked outside and saw that the sun was going down "good night Eli"

Just as i lied down the thought of my supposed father came to me and on how late he was. I was tempted to ask Eli but i was far too tired for another conversation.

"Good night Saira" was the last thing i heard as i let sleep consume me

A/N : i really do not why i used "pooja what is this behaviour"  it just has been going around in my head for so long and i wanted to use that

Hope you liked the chapter. Please let me know your thoughts on it.

Have a good day



Reborn Into "The Originals"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz