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Swoobat walked up to the bat. She looked around the vast stadium, thousands of other dogs cheering her name. She spotted her family, in the front bleachers, tissues in hand as tears ran down their faces. She looked down, at her paws and then to the bat.

"I can't hold a bat," she thought to herself. "How did I get here?" She glances at the pitcher, eagerly awaiting for her to pick it up.

"Sir, there's no way I can pick this up," she whines to the pitcher over the screams of the stadium. But they do not hear her. She looks to the referee, who is sitting on his dad's feet, eyes slightly divided in different directions. He appears to have no idea where he is, coincidently.

"Hey, uh are you going to, uh, pick up the bat?" the referee yelled from across the diamond. "Uh, im, uh, Barack Obama and I approve that message." Swoobat felt the panic rise from her paws and into her stomach. There was too much pressure, not only from the stadium but from within herself. She couldn't pick up the bat, she couldn't swing, she doesn't even know how she got to the finals of the super bowl!

"Swoobat!" She hears a familiar voice. She looks down, shameful that she can't live up to the standards. She tenses and waits for the thousands of boo-ing voices to commence.

"Swoobat!" She hears a yell, more aggressive than the last. She looks behind her, an itch on her back. Before she could get to the itch, she saw a familiar scene. The couch, and weird stupidly dyed hair human sitting on the couch with her eyes crossed.

"Swoobat, do you know where you are?" The dumb human said, as many times before to the other small dog.

She turned back to the front and spotted herself in front of the TV. They were watching basketball. With a sneeze of relief, Swoobat realized her only challenge now was how fast she could sprint up the couch and sit on the human face to obstruct her view of the bowling tournament.

The end :D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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