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Welcome readers!

Before you start the story, you deserve a bit of an explanation : this isn't just any story, this is a story the three of us - yes there is three of us, as our account description will explain better - wrote not around a plot, but around an ensemble of characters. One day we were messing around, figuring out which cliche character tropes we resembled. And then we named them... Gave them backstories... Created secondary characters around them... And we had a bit of fun writing role plays for Lis, Ara, Aste, Gab and all the others. To be honest the original story fell flat, but then we decided to make an alternate universe with the same characters, and another, and another and that kind of became our thing. The characters stayed the same no matter what, their relationships didn't change much but the universe in which they evolved differed greatly. Hence the birth of this story, a murder mystery Alternate Universe. So have fun discovering them! 

The Origin of the Characters :

Aramith Selwyn : In the original universe, Aramith is a succubus banned from Hell and stripped of her powers for flirting with Lucifer's girlfriend/wife, she was left roaming the Earth of the Universe she lives in. Along the way she met Asterin and attempted to use her help to sneak back into Hell, that is, before things went South...

Asterin Black : Asterin is a witch from a powerful family, during one of her days searching through her attic, she found a mysterious book and accidentally summoned Aramith. The young witch then struck a bargain to help the demon to get back into Hell. In an attempt to get the girl off her back, she tried different spells and rituals to help her, but the two were transported elsewhere due to one of Selwyn's mishaps.

Elisabeth {Lisbeth} Blythe : Daughter of a detective in the 1860's London Lisbeth follows in her father's footsteps in secret. Facing the prejudice of her time period she decided to study forensics with one of her father's friend. After a complicated moment of her life she found herself meeting the two other girls by accident and getting dragged back with them two centuries into the future.

Gabriel Raziel : A demon hunter with angel blood, he tracked down Aramith, taking advantage of her weakened state and exiled status to kill her for the high bounty that comes with her high ranking level as a demon. After failing to do so he follows the three girls around begrundgingly while still strongly "disliking" Aramith.

James Morningstar : Elisabeth's rival turned partner back in the 19th century he actually turns out to be a pride demon born from Lucifer's original sin in defying Heaven. Although Lis quite obviously didn't know that... Eventually Aramith brought him back into the present, yaddi yadda, you got the drill.

Characters in order of appearance 

Elisabeth {Lis} Blythe  



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