Chapter 44 - The Long Road

Start from the beginning

He had been dazed and deafened. Even after Aerham had shoved him, some force had thrown him away from the wizard. His head had ached wildly from striking a stone. He had watched the buildings explode as a wave of unseen power ripped the world apart. He had tried to climb to his feet and couldn't. When he had looked for Aerham, he had seen her, for just a moment. It lasted barely the blink of an eye. Hovering above the wizard, she had been covered in blue fire. Then she had dropped to the ground, naked in the orange gloom. He doubted what his eyes had shown him. But her clothes were gone and that supported, at least, the idea that fire had burned them away. Some type of magical fire.

Aryl tried to think of other things. When he wasn't thinking of the young woman, his mind thought of the shadow creatures. And he kept replaying the battle with the shadowy man. That was something else that he hoped to never see again. The Tael woman had said there were more in the valley below them. He liked to avoid supernatural creatures, and preferred not to even believe in them. That thing had definitely been real. To make it all the more terrifying, his steel blade had passed through it harmlessly several times. It was bad enough confronting a man of shadow, but this one had seemed invincible. The Tael's strange weapons had cut it down readily enough, though. That silvery metal possessed some type of magic. He had no doubt about that. He needed to find a sword made of the same metal, if that was possible. Then he wouldn't fear the shadow men, at least not as much. How realistic was that? Finding a magic sword. Not very.

Grudgingly, Aryl was grateful for the Tael's aid. She had saved them twice now, cutting down giants and now mysterious shadows. She had probably saved him more than that when he hadn't been looking. He supposed he should be happy that she had only been suggesting that they journey to the Taneache, rather than demanding. That thought stirred a memory from shortly after they had fought the giants. She had mentioned other Tael, but she had called them something else. She had said they were trying to kill Aerham. That was a horrifying thing to consider. Enemies with similar abilities as the Tael woman? He would sooner take a nap in the Dark.

Aryl had endured a great deal over the past weeks and there seemed to be a long road ahead. Though he wished none of it had happened, he was glad that he was leaving the Brotherhood of Light behind. He had never wanted to join that religious order but he had always understood how important that it was to Aerham, and had been to Aerham's father. All the same, he wanted no part of the frontier or marching in formations. And he didn't want to take orders from a pompous Brother who never intended to get his own hands dirty, such as Uth Garenthil.

All military issues aside, he still had contempt for their goddess, the Lady of Light. She hadn't done him any favors and he didn't feel that he owed her anything. Aerham's suffering was a good example of the lack of compassion of the gods. Aerham was as loyal as anyone could be and it earned him no more favor than the next man. If anything, it seemed he was being punished for his piety. When Ravyneira started to show some sign that she was even watching, then Aryl might consider a prayer or two. Until then, he would make his own way in the world, and it would not include the Brotherhood of Light or their goddess. The sun rose without the Blessed Lady's help but she was sure to take credit.

Aryl looked above the head of the woman he had saved to study his friend's face. Aerham looked older than he had seven months before, when they had left to join the Brotherhood. He was haggard and weary, but definitely older. There had once been a glimmer that was no longer there, maybe it had been innocence that had disappeared. His brown eyes had lost some of their zeal and now seemed a bit sunken. The corners of his mouth were turned downward in a frown more often than not. He was very resilient beneath the weariness, but he just seemed different. It made sense that the recent events would have changed him. Hopefully, not too much.

Aryl's attention was drawn to Jaegor muttering under his breath. Aryl didn't turn to look at him, but smiled as he considered his newer friend. The stout woodsman with his wild, curly blonde hair and bushy beard was full of surprises. Aryl wondered why he had chosen to stay with them rather than return to scouting for the Brotherhood. He had asked him, but the man had simply shrugged and said that he went wherever he chose to go. Aryl figured that answer was good enough. He liked having him around.

The full moon made it easy to navigate the large rocks and scruffy bushes of the mountainside. Somewhere below in the blackness was the valley with the shadows and beastmen. There was the true mystery. He could understand the beastmen invading and pillaging; that was what beastmen did. It was the presence of the shadow men that added an air of evil. There was dark magic at work and something sinister was coming with the future. He was happy that they were journeying to other lands. He didn't want to be anywhere near when those dark plans finally unfolded.

Aryl smiled, forgetting hissweat and tired muscles for a moment. Helooked to the northwest, where dark mountains rose against the night sky. The Tael had gestured in that direction whenpointing out their destination, so he knew that the Taneache could be found somewherebeyond. It seemed to be very far away,with many mountains to cross. Yet, hedidn't despair over the possibility of spending more time in the wilds. He could endure that if he must. He was traveling with his friends. It was what he had wanted, to explore andseek out adventure with his friend Aerham, and now Jaegor too. Even if the road ahead was long, and itseemed that it must be, he was prepared for anything that the future broughttheir way. He was with friends and thatwas what truly mattered. Although, hewouldn't mind a bath. And perhaps alittle wine. And the Dark give him a newshirt! The night air was chilly.

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