Guide to Mordor: Part One

Start from the beginning

Stronghold 4: Seregost

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Stronghold 4: Seregost

Despite its proximity to Mount Doom, Seregost was bitterly cold and snowbound no matter the season. The spawning place of the Olog-hai, Gothmog rules here, always strategizing and setting battle formations for his Lord Sauron.

 The spawning place of the Olog-hai, Gothmog rules here, always strategizing and setting battle formations for his Lord Sauron

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Stronghold 5: Thaurband

The breeding place for Orcs and Uruks, Thaurband lies in Nurn, right by the Sea of Nurnen. Once birthed, Orcs and Uruks undergo brutal training, overseen by the Stonghold's Guardian, Urulooke. Many beasts are also captured or sent here for taming.

 Many beasts are also captured or sent here for taming

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Stronghold 6: Angband

Angband, also known by its translation 'Iron Prison', was the first capital of Mordor under Morgoth. Residing at the base of Mount Doom, Angband has two uses. As the 'Iron Prison' name suggests, it is where Sauron keeps his most hated enemies, torturing them daily for information, or just because he hates them. It's also where a great arena is, where Uruks and other servants of Sauron go for entertainment. Fights are scheduled every day under the watch of Morgoth, the Champion of Mordor, who also acts as warden.

 Fights are scheduled every day under the watch of Morgoth, the Champion of Mordor, who also acts as warden

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