Chapter 15: Farewell, Leonardo

Start from the beginning

I rode off the barn on Lucas. I walked over to the porch on the Irish cob and looked down at the hurt blue-banded turtle. "Farewell, Leonardo." I said and turned around to trot into the woods. I didn't look around. If I did I would cry even more than I was. It was tearing my heart to leave him there like that. But it was the best for everyone.


Narrator's POV

"Mikey are you sure you have everything? We won't be coming back any time soon." Said Donnie with a box of his lab stuff, putting it in the van.

"Hmmm," Mikey thought for a minute with fingers on his chin. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." He said.

"Then where's your other nunchuck, genius." Scoffed Raph as he passed by him. Mikey gasped.

"Mikeyyyy, where did you lose it this time?" Whimpered April, crossing her arms next to Don.

"I don't know. I woke up, then ate, ate again, played some video games, and... oh-oh." Mikey gulped.

"What do you mean 'oh-oh'?!" Raised voice Raph.

"I left it on the floor near my bed." Mikey whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" Don asked, confused.

"The under-bed monsters took it!" Mikey whisper-yelled, terrified. Raph groaned in annoyance, Don facepalmed, and April rolled her eyes.

"Ya know what under-bed monsters love, Mikey?" Smirked Casey. Mikey shook his head. "They love blood! Lots of blood and they are ALWAYS hungry." Casey started to get closer. "They'll use your lost things as a bait, and then... THEY ATTACK!" Casey yelled and tackled scared Mikey to the ground. The orange-clad screamed, and Raph laughed. April tried to get Casey off Mikey, and Don was mumbling how stupid both, Casey and Mikey are.

Leo was meditating under a tree. When Y/n left he wasn't able to stop her. He wanted to move, to say something, but he just couldn't. He believed so much that she'd go with them. He believed that he would be with her. He would protect her, care for her. Who was he kidding? He would die for her. But her past didn't let her accept the fact that she could have a family. She was too stubborn to accept that someone else than some animals could ever care for her, that someone could protect her, that someone could love her.

After he saw her trot into the deep dark woods he stood on the porch for another hour. He didn't believe she left for real, and wouldn't come back. He waited. The next day he was training outside, still hoping she'll come back. Another day he tried to act normal as before, but he caught himself glancing towards the quiet forest every now and then. Today? He just didn't care. He didn't care what his brothers and human friends were doing. He didn't care how cold it actually was. 'What did I see in her, anyway? She's stubborn, stupid, moody, sassy, sarcastic, careless. Do I have to continue? I was so blind, but now I am definitely over her.' Leo heard someone next to him. He opened his eyes.

"Newt?" Leo widened his eyes at the white muscular canine, lying next to him. Leo started to looking around for Y/n. 'What am I doing? I said I am over her!" He scolded himself. The blue-banded turtle looked back at Newt, who was watching the others with interest. Leo tilted his head and looked between the front limbs of the wolf; Nunchuck. "Where did you get that?" Asked him Leo. Newt looked at him with his glowing red eyes. Leo slowly put his hand on the wolf's back and pet him. The canine turned its gaze towards the loud group of mutants and humans.

"I didn't say you are stupid, I said that you're not smart." Said Donatello, smirking at Casey, who growled at him. April put her face in her hands.

"Don't just stand here. Go search for it!" Raph shouted at Mikey.

"But the monsters!" Mikey whimpered. Leo looked over at the wolf.

"Shouldn't you... You know?" The wolf growled lowly and got up, baring its sharp teeth as he picked up the nunchuck. Leo followed him.

"Don't be stupid, Mikey." Raph said.

"Raph. Don't shout." Both brothers turned to Leo and then looked at the wolf with the nunchuck next to him.

"My nunchuck!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," started Raph as he did a step back. After all, the wolf bit him, "I thought that Y/n's gone." Leo bit his lip from inside.

"Yes, she is." He answered calmly.

"That thing is not supposed to be here." Raph raised his voice and pointed to Newt, drawing others' attention. Newt growled at Raph. He didn't like him either.

"Newt?" Don said as he came closer with others.

"He's not a thing, Raphael. He's a wolf." Leo lectured. "And he can go wherever he wants."

"Where's Y/n?" Asked April.

"Don't know. He came alone." Leo said and looked around, once more.


Everyone has said their 'goodbye' to the wolf and got inside the van. Leo was the last one. Before he closed the back door, he looked towards the forest one last time.

She was here.

She was leaning against a tree with a bow in her hand, the white muscular wolf with redly glowing eyes by her side. Y/n was looking at Leo. He thought that he was over her, but seeing her again...? He wanted to run over to her, hug her and never let go. But he knew that she will stay where she belongs no matter what. And the thought of Y/n being happy was enough. If she is happy he will be happy. Though it meant to let her go...

She had a determined face with a bit of sadness in her e/c eyes. She nodded. He returned the nod and went inside the van, closing the door.

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