I don't know who you are

Start from the beginning

Derek was glad their spat hadn't been more serious, but he hated that it had happened at all. And he wished he'd brought Stiles with him. It might have avoided whatever this was.

Derek sat in the chair next to Stiles' bed and waited for his husband to wake up.

Thankfully it only took ten minutes of Derek stewing in his own guilt for that to happen.

Stiles woke up slowly, looking around in confusion, like he wasn't sure where he was, which made sense.

"Stiles, hey," Derek wanted to crush Stiles in a hug, but he didn't want to overwhelm him. He literally just woke up.

"Uh, hey," Stiles frowned but gave a small smile. He glanced around the room again this time seemingly more confused.

"How are you feeling?" Derek wanted to ask what happened, but he would wait, let Stiles wake up first, get his bearings.

"I'm in a hospital." It wasn't posed as a question.

"Yeah, yeah, you're okay," Derek's hand reached up to grab Stiles', but he pulled it away.

Derek frowned but said nothing. Perhaps Stiles was upset with him. He had every right to be. He should have been here to protect Stiles and he wasn't.

Stiles glanced around the room once again before looking to Derek, "Where's my dad?"

"He'll be here in a bit. Are you okay?" Derek could smell Stiles' anxiety starting to spike.

Stiles forced a smile and nodded.

"Stiles you know I can tell when you're lying," Derek practically growled.

"Ummm, oh?" Stiles glanced past Derek at the door and then towards the phone.

"Whoa, hey, your anxiety is through the roof. What's going on?" Derek wanted to reach for Stiles but he looked pale and Derek was seconds away from calling for a doctor.

"How do you know that?" Stiles frowned at Derek.

"I can smell it," Derek answered as if it was obvious.

Stiles' brows shot up and his scent spiked once again.

"Stiles, what's going on," this time Derek did reach for Stiles.

"Okay, look, you seem like a really, nice guy...but I don't know who you are," Stiles snapped pulling away from Derek's comforting touch.

"What?" Derek couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"I don't know who you are. I was just pretending I did."

Derek's heart clenched. "Why?" He found himself asking.

"Cause It's what you do. If someone obviously knows who you are but you don't know them, you go with it. You don't say I don't know you. You play along but those people don't claim they can smell your anxiety and then touch you in really intimate ways and I think you might have me confused with someone else, which sucks for me because you are gorgeous but I think I have a headache because I'm a bit dizzy and-"

"Okay, okay, just relax, I'll get a doctor, okay?" Derek had to push aside the heartbreak he felt and find Mellissa. Stiles wasn't okay. He didn't even know who Derek was.

Stiles stared at the swaying ceiling as the attractive man left and while part of him was glad he was gone, part of him was disappointed. He was weird but he seemed nice.

"Stiles," Mellissa's voice made Stiles turn to see the attractive man hesitating in the door.

"Derek, you can come in," Mellissa said when she noticed him waiting.

Derek's eyes met Stiles'.

"I don't think-"

"Get in here and close the door," Mellissa snapped.

"Where's Scott?" Stiles turned to Mellissa, dragging his eyes away from Derek.

"He'll be here soon with the rest of the pack," Mellissa smiled.

"Rest of the pack?" Stiles frowned.

"Yes," She smiled, as she checked his blood pressure.

"Erica, Boyd, Malia, Allison, Liam, Lydia-"

"Lydia?" Stiles perked at the familiar name.

Derek frowned slightly, his eyes glancing to Mellissa. He was relieved to know that he wasn't the only one seemingly forgotten by Stiles.

"Wait, Derek," Stiles turned to the man next to him. "Like Derek Hale?"

Derek nodded, trying to keep the hopeful look off his face.

Stiles brows raised before falling into a frown as he nodded. He then rolled over towards Mellissa and whispered, "What's Derek Hale doing here?"

Mellissa glanced at Derek who had obviously heard him. She gave a sympathetic smile to Stiles and pat his arm, "I'm gonna send the doctor in, okay? Can I get you anything?"

Stiles only shook his head.

Mellissa left and Derek knew he couldn't stand to be alone with Stiles right now. He didn't even recognize him. He needed to know what happened.

"Mellissa what's going on?" Derek demanded once they were in the hall.

"I don't know. There were no signs of trauma that even suggested a head injury. We can order a CT scan, but this might be something more along Deaton's expertise."

"I can't be in there with him, he thinks I'm a stranger," Derek was dangerously close to tears and he didn't like that one bit.

"I know, but I promise you we'll figure this out."


Stiles waited anxiously as the door opened.

"Mr. Hale, how are you today?" The doctor asked, looking down at his chart.

Stiles' head snapped up, "I'm sorry?"

"I asked how you were," The doctor met Stiles' confused glare.

"No, I heard that, what did you call me?"

"Mr. Hale," The man frowned, double checking to make sure he hadn't said the wrong name. "You are Stiles Stilinski Hale, Correct?"

Stiles' head snapped down to his left hand to see a silver ring seated neatly on his finger.

"What the hell is going on?" He muttered.

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