Chapter 23 - The Trial

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"Those accusations were never proven," Uth Arthgrin reminded with a stern look.

"Regardless of the veracity of the claim, Uth Hathaen was arrested by the king upon his arrival. The king sent us a message saying he would free him when the other three returned to face charges for their crimes. He promised leniency, but the three would not return. This council refused to send them back because it would mean admitting there had been a crime."

Aerham realized his mouth was gaping and snapped it shut. His father had been a prisoner in Minogradia? The Brotherhood refused to admit the crimes of their own and had sacrificed another. Apparently, they were willing to play out that narrative over and over. And it was his family always paying the sacrifice.

"I will remind you one time and one time only, this council investigated the accusations and found them to be false charges. No one of this order ever touched the old king's daughter," Uth Arthgrin declared. His eyes tightened and gave warning. "You may continue your impassioned speech. However, stick to the facts."

The burly Brother's face deepened to red. His anger didn't reach his voice. "For three years, we allowed Uth Hathaen to rot in the dungeons below Grandink. The old king did maintain his levy during that time, only to keep guards here to watch for the three Brothers in question. We gave them different names and titles to hide them."

Uth Arthgrin stood, slamming a mailed fist on the table. "Enough! You are making accusations against this council, Uth Vaedis! You border on heresy and treason!"

The burly Brother was Uth Vaedis. Aerham recognized the name, but knew little else of the man. It seemed he had issues with the council and the manner in which it handled things. Perhaps, he did have honor.

"I will sit in silence no more," Uth Vaedis declared. "Uth Hathaen rotted for three years, while we protected the criminals. We treat his son no better. I was just a young Brother then and knew no better. I am older and wiser now. And my voice will be heard!"

"You endanger your rank, Brother," Uth Arthgin warned.

"You know the truth!" Uth Vaedis pointed a finger at the Lord of Light.

"There were no criminals and no one was hidden." The leader's voice grew louder with each word. "Sit down and let us be done with this business at hand."

"That man there," declared Uth Vaedis, pointing to a gray haired knight, two seats to his right. "Uth Utheil was once known as Uth Voridus Asheil. A wanted man in the kingdom of Minogradia, so decreed by the old king himself! We changed his name because he was guilty and we hid the man and we hid the crime!"

"Uth Vaedis, you will sit or you will be locked in the cells until you cool your head and control your tongue." Uth Arthgrin beat the table three times as he spoke. "We must have order. We cannot tolerate lies against this council. Especially by its own members."

"What are you trying to hide? Nearly everyone present was here for that vote. It is no secret except to a few, and I think they need to hear the truth. Just one time." It was Uth Vaedis who struck the table this time, obviously mocking the Lord of Light's behavior. "If it had been up to us, Uth Hathaen would still be rotting away in a dark cell."

Uth Arthgrin motioned to two guards by the north entrance, who Aerham hadn't noticed, having been so taken by the wondrous table and the fancy armor surrounding it. The guards wore chain mail hauberks and hoods, donning red tunics with the golden sun emblem. They approached Uth Vaedis cautiously, leaving their swords in their scabbards.

The angry Brother spun on them. "What are the two of you going to do?" He was tall and wide. Not all muscle, but enough to be dangerous. "Come and get me!"

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