He groaned loudly rolling over onto his back. I took this opportunity to tease him a little bit before I leave. I threw my leg over him so I was now straddling his waist. He was only in fresh boxers so I pretty much felt his growing erection the minute I sat down. I rolled my hips from side to side against him earning a low groan from him. I slid right off of him just like when I got on and proceeded to walk out of the room.

"What about my goodbye kiss?" His breath was right on my neck as I opened up the door.

"You got it."

"Uggh Haley please."

"Bye Devin."

I pushed out of his grasp and shut the door behind me before he could grab me again. I skipped down the stairs flinching a couple times from the pain in my legs from Devin. I skipped around the corner of the hallway but stopped when an unknown female smell hit me hard. My lips rolled back in a growl when I identified the scent.


I slowed my heart beat down so she couldn't hear me and I opened up my ears to listen to whatever she was doing.

"I just came to say congrats to Devin on getting married. Is he in his room?" Her sneaky devil of a voice pipped out at Devin's mother.

"Yes Amber, he's in his room. But I don't think now is the right time to visit him. Why don't you go back to your house and I'll tell them both you stopped by." Mrs. Linda spoke very annoyingly from a little ways away from where Amber stood.

"I'm his mate you know? I've known for a long time. That bitch is just trying to steal my man."

"I let him decide who his mate is. He chose Haley."

"The bitch is gonna pay for what she took." A growl ripped from my throat and Devin was down the stairs in a minute by my side. His head rolled back as he smelled the air around him. A very animalistic growl came from his throat.

"What the hel-."

"Devy Poo!!" A high pitched scream came from the kitchen as Devin entered the kitchen with a look on his face that could kill.

"I knew you'd come for me Devy. You finally came to your senses on who your real mate is." She wrapped her tooth pick arms around Devin's neck and thrust her legs around his waist. I was about to tear this bitch apart if she didn't release my man.

"I don't know Amber. Why don't you ask my fiance? Haley!" I rounded the corner of the doorway. Black was now taking over my grey/blue eyes. Mrs. Linda stepped back some mindlinking with her husband because he rushed down the stairs from his office to her side.

I made eye contact with Amber and she smirked in my face. My lips went up as my canines extended fully, my nails changed to canine claws, I shook with anger as I watched her blink her flirtatious eyes at a very pissed off Devin.

"You made her mad. I thought I told you when you made her mad I'd kick your slutty ass." He grabbed ahold of her hips throwing her across the room. He stalked over to where her body laid against the wall. He picked her up by the shoulders.

"Haley I don't beat little girls. I'll take her outside for you." His voice was cold in anger and he marched her outside into the yard.

I cocked my head to the side with a devilish grin on my face as I let my wolf take complete control over my body. I shifted threw mid stride of my run out the door. I jumped over the landscaping brick that wrapped around the back porch of the house. Devin was sitting right outside the door.

"I gave her a 3 minute head start." I watched as she frantically ran for her life threw the open field in front of the house. I got myself prepared for when I launched towards her. She jumped into the air shifting into her grey wolf skidding to a stop at the tree line. I tore at the ground with my paws as my wolf released a very loud rour at Devin to let us go since he had a pretty decent hold on my shoulders with his head just below my ear.

"Ready baby?" I growled in response.

"5...4...3...2...1 Kick her ass." He let go of his grip as I tore threw the field at record speed. The only thing I was seeing at this point was pure red hatred.

About half a stride away from her I soared through the air with my mouth wide open for her neck. I bit down pretty hard on her right shoulder earning a very loud whine to escape her jaws. Her mate walked out of the tree line already in wolf form and ready to kill anything.

'Devin' I mind linked with Devin to get his ass over here now because I don't think once I took care of Amber I'd be able to take care of Eric.


Devin's POV***

I watched as my baby tore through the open field at her prey ready to kill anything that got in her way. My wolf swelled with pride as I watched her bite down on Amber's pelt earning a very loud cry to come from Amber. A dark brown male wolf stalked out of the trees setting his sights right on my mate and I'm not to happy about that one.

"Ashtoyn, Blake, Jackson." I yelled into the house after I heard Haley's mind link for me to come take care of Eric.

I jumped over the brick shredding my skin and taking full form of my black wolf. The boys were right on my heels as I raced out to where Haley was at. I reached her just as she had Amber pinned to the ground with her mouth wrapped around Amber's neck in a tight hold. Eric was steadying himself to jump on Haley at any second if she wasn't fully aware of her surroundings. I tore loose from where I was standing and made my way to Eric with only one thing in mind. Kill this son of a bitch.

I leaped over Haley and Amber landing right in front of Eric blocking his full on attack for my mate. He rolled his lips back in a animalistic growl with his teeth bared tight against his muzzle. I stomped the ground tearing up fresh dirt with my claws.

'Leave or you both die.' I mind linked to Eric just before I heard a ear piercing cry come from Haley as Amber dug her teeth into my mate's side.

'Ashtoyn Jackson! Get Haley to safety while me and Black handle these two mutts.' Haley growled at my plan but Ashtoyn grabbed the fur on her neck and carried her away from Amber while Blake tore into Amber's ass. She wasn't able to get any bites down on him at the rate he was moving.

Eric took his chance to gain on me. We rolled around in the dirt, teeth chomping, claws scratching, blood everywhere, wolves in full control, and I had the upper hand. I knew if I lost this one I'd have to give my title over to Eric and Amber and that was not going to happen at all; ever.

I bit down on Eric's neck pinning him to the ground tightly. I was just about to make my kill when the only voice I stand down to rang loud and clear threw the field; oh and he sounded very pissed off.

"DEVIN GRAY! You have a mate to take care of. Blake and Me will take Amber and Eric down to the basement and lock them in the cells. You don't need blood shed on your grounds just yet before your wedding." I bowed my head to my father before taking off back to my house where my mouth had Haley on the kitchen table doctoring her wounds from the fight. Haley flinched when my mom dabbed the alcohol prep pad down on her side where it was worse.

'Let me heal her mother.' I leaned in beside my mate as her teeth chattered in pain from the sting. I stuck my tongue out at her side and began licking to close the wound from infection. Haley moved to the side some at contact but soon relaxed to my side. I closed all her other small cuts and abrasions just as Blake and my dad walked in the house with Eric and Amber in silver chains. I snicker when I saw Amber bleeding around her neck from where my Haley bit down to kill.

'Mom let me take Haley up to my room so she can rest. I'm pretty sure she didn't wake up today to expect she'd be fighting for me.' Haley smiled as she heard my mind link to my mother but none the less stepped off the table and let me carry her up the stairs to our room; of course shifting first.

My Mate (Book #1 of the Mate Series)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon