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The earth was now gone, and so Arlo and John decided they wanted to be ASTRONAUTS!!

The swam through space all the way to Mars, and carried everyone with them in their arms cause they were buff.

The only problem was Arlo forgot to bring the air.

So everyone started to suffocate.

But Arlo being big brain, activated his barrier, which magically creates air inside.

And they start to live again!

Except then he suddenly has amnesia and he forgets how to use his power, so his barrier starts to smush everyone down.

Arlo, John, and everyone else lie there on the ground, and they start to not live again.

Then BOOM Elaine appears and starts to heal everyone! She boom booms her power and heals Arlo and John.

This time, John who doesn't have amnesia activated his ability to make a barrier.

It succeeded and they all sat down to eat pizza that the pizza-maker ability person made, who's name was Bob.

However, they started to fight over what kind of pizza to make. Arlo and John wanted supreme, Elaine wanted veggie, and the pizza guy wanted cheese because it was the easiest to make.

John, being distracted, accidentally removed the barrier.

And they all started boom boom dying again.

Except then the pizza became alive, and it became a plant, and it provided oxygen for the students!

Only for the students though, so all the teachers died. Vaughen floated back out into space along with Keon. Darren survived though. He was so scary that the pizza farted out oxygen for him.

Arlo and John, who were watching this, decided that they had enough and got into the spaceship again. They stole all the pizza, and John took the pizza guy's ability to make food for him and Arlo. They were about to blast off when Elaine got on, and they flew away to another galaxy.


When the Earth Dies to Viola and Aspire (Unordinary fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now