We Both Wore Yellow

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The school week flew by and if you walked by the group Olivia sat with by the window, heels tucked under her, you could hear her suggesting a new tactic to support her queendom. 

"Ladies," she said while smoothing our her skirt. "I have an idea, and I know it's not going to be popular, but I do know how we like projects."

They all leaned in, interested.

"What if I... adopted... Ophelia," Olivia was interrupted by a gasp but held up a hand
"And showed her how to be... normal? Maybe the ropes of what it's like to be a straight girl?"

"So like, be her friend?" Emily said with a disgusted look on her face.

"More like a guide. If I'm being honest, saying the same offensive shit over and over is getting bored and I want something hands on. What if I take one for the team, spend some time with her, and bring her to that party you're throwing Em?"

"You- you mean the one this weekend?"

Olivia shrugged. "Why not? Doesn't teaching somebody how to be straight and normal sound more enjoyable than making fun of them everyday?"

Emily rolled her eyes. "It sounds like potential public embarrassment for Ophelia so- I'm in."
Just then, Ophelia walked past, headed to her second period class.

"Ophelia!" Emily called sweetly.

Ophelia turned, her face frozen in nervousness. "Yes?" She asked, confused.

"Our sweet Olivia here has suggested to take you under her wing and teach you how to be straight!"

Ophelia gaped slightly and pointed at Emily. "You're fucking joking, right? That's the most disgusting thing you've said yet."

"We're having a party this weekend and you're coming!" One of the girls called after her but Ophelia ignored them and kept walking. She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she glanced at her screen.

It's the best idea I could come up with so i could actually hang out with you in school and publicly

She huffed but has to admit that it wasn't a bad idea.

Your house after school? I'll teach you how to navigate these assholes

Ophelia quickly sent a reply


"Dad!" Ophelia hollered and dropped her book bag by the door.

"Back here, honey!" She heard him call from the sunroom. She walked to the back of the house and all the windows were open, sunlight screaming through the skylights and a breeze ruffled her hair. Blue tape lined the edges of the room and all the windows. She looked left and there was her dad in the corner, paintbrush in hand.

"Watcha doin?" She asked.

"I wanted a project to do and repainting this plain white room felt like a nice idea."

She surveyed the walls and asked, "A goldenish yellow?"

He sighed dreamily. "Imagine how it will look when the sun sets. Now, what did you need?"

"Um, so remember that girl? I told you about her? Name's Olivia?"

He flicked his brush at her and drops of paint splattered on the wooden floors. "Yes, I do."

Ophelia sidestepped to avoid anymore paint. "Well, she's coming over today. Is that okay?"

He stepped back and surveyed the singular wall he'd completed and handed her his brush. "Can she paint?"

Love, OliviaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ