Love and Action 😳

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April wakes up to her alarm clock and a Puppy was sitting on her chest and she smirks then pets Saud

April: Hey Saud

Saud: you ready for school

April sits up and combs her hair outta her face

April: I mean I'm kinda ready

Saud: well good

Then Aj's door swings open and her Brother in just his sweatpants and shirt jumps in her bed and Saud as a puppy jumps off so he doesn't get smothered

Aj: ahh Dean

Dean: wakie wakie eggs and Bacey get your lazy ass up we got school lil sis

Aj: Dean get out

After a couple minutes Dean get out of Aj's room

Then Saud turns into a human

Saud: come on your gonna be late if you don't hurry up

Then April popped up and realized that Kaitlyn might be waiting for her to which she got dressed

Then April popped up and realized that Kaitlyn might be waiting for her to which she got dressed

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(Minus the wristband for April)

Saud goes out the window to make it look like she was picking up April for school and not just randomly in her room then as Saud starts walking to the door see she's Kaitlyn approach her and almost scare her

Kaitlyn: Saud is it

Saud: Uh yeah

Kaitlyn: uh yeah yeah So uh you and April what's going on

Saud:......oh uh hahah no no she's just my friend nothing more

Kaitlyn: mmhmm

Saud nods nervous but Kaitlyn didn't trust her she thought Saud was a F girl and just was gonna break April's heart and same goes for Paige as much as Paige was cool she never knew how Paige acted when it came to relationships April walks outta her house with Dean and her backpack and smiles when seeing her friends

April: Alright ready guys

Saud: Uh I'll walk guys I'm good

Dean: Yeah I might take my new car haha ya know finally got his license

Aj:Dean it's just a permit

Dean: you fucking lying lemme see

Aj rolls her eyes

Aj: bye Dean have fun

April knew Saud was not gonna walk all the way to school meanwhile April got on the bus with Kaitlyn and sat in there seats next to Seth, and Roman

Kaitlyn: Hey Gu-


Kaitlyn: oop...excuse me

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