Chapter 33 - The wild ride under Aphrodite's spell Pt. 1

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Levi's cheek and cuddled him tightly, until his fingers stopped me dead in my tracks by cupping my chin.

"What is this? I pulled off one of the sweetest lines I have in store and I just get a kiss on the cheek? Ohhh, come on baby. I'm sure you can do better than that."

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but grin as his teasing, and the way he leaned his face against his fist, like a sulking child, made it even more hilarious.

"Alright, you won. Come here, big boy." Grabbing his collar, I yanked him forward.

"Hmmmmm...Big boy...I like the sound of that." He hummed, warm air brushing over my cold lips as our mouths were hovering above each other.

"Shut up and kiss me." The last thing I heard before I closed my eyes was a chuckle, and as his hands found their ways around me again, he reduced the last little gap between us to zero and our lips fused.

He leaned in, dipping me a little and I held tight to his back and shoulders with my arms as I floated in the air, secured only by Levi's strong ahold. There was no need to rush, our lips moved in perfection, danced in unison and harmony in our slow and tender, but oh so passionate kiss.

A very pleasant warmth grew inside my belly, slowly spreading through my chest to my arms and then to my face to banish the cold air into oblivion. My heartbeat quickened rapidly. I felt good, that I wanted more of this feeling.

"Aahhh~...Levi." I moaned, gliding my tongue along his lower lip for more.

" greedy. I like it." I kept my mouth open, tongue stuck out to meet him halfway, and when I felt his hot breath, the tingle as his opened mouth enclosed mine, our tongues met without restraint.

Sighs and breathy moans filled the air as we battled for dominance, brushing, stroking and rubbing our tongues against each other in a fiery dance. Spit trailed from the corner of my mouth and down my throat, but I didn't care. I reached higher with my hand, burying it deep in his raven locks to press him further into me, grinding my whole self against Levi as the warmth inside of me spread more and more into the deepest fibers of my body.

Levi answered my pleading by tightening his grip around me and moving one hand from my waist down to my ass, giving it a firm squeeze. I bucked up in his arm, pressing my chest against his as I breathed a shaky moan into Levi's mouth, the rolling growl from him sending a shudder down my back.

When the heat inside of me reached a level that was almost too high to handle, an unfamiliar and unforeseen sound, accompanied by vibrations coming from Levi's chest pulled all my attention away from him and what we were doing.

"Wh-what the hell?" I mumbled, pulling away as Levi had my lip between his teeth, tugging it gently.

"Fuck. Can't think of a worse timing." He groaned as he made us both sit normally again. He unzipped his jacket and fidgeted on the inside to take out his buzzing phone. With a click of his tongue, he swiped along with the screen and the vibration and sounds stopped.

"What was this for, Levi? Must be important if you put a reminder for this unfitting time." I teased while arranging my clothes and hair that got messed up in the process.

"Tsk. If you would just know." He scoffed, slightly amused, showing me the display of his phone to show me whats going on.


"Yeah. 'Oh'" He repeated, putting the phone into his pocket again, only to take his former relaxed sitting position, looking at me intensely, eyes scanning me up and down for any signs that seem out of place.

"And, baby? How do you feel? Anything...weird? Or different?" The curiosity in his voice was evident, his eyes sparkling with eagerness. If I had known that he will set a reminder for the time when the effect of the aphrodisiac might kick in, I had told him to turn it off, so I can forget about it.

"Uhm...not really. I'm feeling a little bit hot, but so far, nothing special." Now that he mentioned it, I focused more on myself and how I was feeling, but what I told him was the truth. Despite the little bit of heat, I felt nothing.

"Ah. I see. Well, after all, it was just an experiment. But the image that you might go crazy from lust, pleading and begging for me to fuck you was worth a try, don't you think?" He mused, speaking low and seductive as he cupped my chin with his fingers again.

Another shiver ran down my back at his words, making it impossible for me to keep it in as I trembled visibly under his touch. His smug grin made it only worse. This man is such a fucking tease.

"I...I don't know. Maybe. You never needed a potion for this before...or am I mistaken?"

"Huh. Valid question. Of course, I don't need such things like 'Love Potions', but I have to admit that it would've turned me on. I would've liked to know how you would look like under its spell, all flushed from head to toe, squirming from every single touch and probably soaking wet from just whispering lewd words into your ears. I bet your tight, wet cunt would throb and pulse around my cock so nicely, that I felt tempted to make you climax over and over again until you're begging me to stop."

Levi continued to pour oil into the fire on and on, talking about the things he would've liked to do or to see, how he would treat me then and how he would've taken me. The pictures he planted inside my head with all this talking were merciless to me, and I could feel that my panty was soaked by now, just from hearing and imagining the things he told me. For a man with an OCD about cleanliness, he has a very filthy mouth, its incredible.

After almost 10 minutes of sexy, lewd and dirty talking, where I'd curled up my legs and wrapped my arms around myself to keep the shudders at bay, I snapped.

"For fuck's sake, Levi! Stop this shitty talking and let us go home already!" His grin grew even wider, knowing all too well that his actions hit home.

"What is it, darling? Why the rush? It's such a lovely night. Just look at all the stars and the moon. Don't you want to stay here a little more and watch it?"

~Goddammit, this fucking little shit!~

Past doesn't matter (Levi x OC x Erwin) AU/modern +18Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant