A Sad Day

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The school day had just ended, and Jiro was walking back to her dorm room, when she bumped into Kaminari.

"Hey Jiro! Can I talk to you for a moment?" He asked
"Sure." Replied Jiro.

"So recently you've been hanging out with Yaoyorozu so much! You've stopped hanging out with the rest of us because your always with her, I don't want to sound like a idiot but it's true..." Said Kaminari

"Well I'm sorry I've been spending time with my girlfriend," she said in an annoyed voice, "but we've just been closer than ever lately!"

"Well at least try to make time for your friends!"

"So your telling me now I haven't been speaking to you whatsoever? We talk every day!" She shouted

"All it is is a Good morning or a bye, we used to hang out at least twice a week and now? Look, I know you love Yaoyorozu alot but please make time for us as well!" He shouted

"Oh just go away!" Jiro shouted as she ran towards her room.

"He's such an idiot! He used to do it all the time with Sero!" She thought to herself as she stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her.

Jiro laid down onto her bed as tears formed in her eyes, hundreds of thoughts filling up in her head.

"Maybe I am spending too much time with Yaoyorozu? Maybe he's right? Maybe I'm right? It really has been ages since we've hung out, but really?"

Suddenly, Yaoyorozu entered her room and sees her crying. "Jiro? Why are you crying? What happened?" She said while shutting the door and sitting next to her.

"I-it's Kaminari, he says I haven't been spending enough time with him and the others and too much time with you..." Jiro said while burying her face in her arms.

Momo hugged Jiro "We have been spending quite a bit of time together lately, but I don't think it was that much... I know, why don't you go and talk to him and plan for you to two to hang out sometime soon? She said in a soft tone.

"Oh my God...I can't believe how we fell out over the stupidest reason... I'll text him later, I'm going to sleep now, I'm exhausted." Said Jiro

"Alright then, I'll see you later." Momo said while leaving the room.

Jiro thought about what had happened and she didn't understand how they could have such a small fight over something really stupid. About 15 minutes later she fell asleep.

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