ch.1.ep.9 what?

381 15 3

( rudolph's pov)

I stoped hearing the sound of the rain and fluttered my eyes open to see the light outside. It was day time and everyone was outside. I get up dusting myself off and running outside. I see dino sulking under a tree. Emilio sketching something ( probably Tobias) and tobias was running in the creek as Carmelo tried to tackle him. He failed but kept trying. " dino help me!!! Get this blueberry off my trail!!!!!" Tobias yells. Dino waved it off and kept sulking.
Emilio looked around and found something he threw it at carmelo. They all laughed as Carmelo screeched like a teridactle.

Tobias × carmelo Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu